Feb. 23rd, 2012


Delivery for Mandy Brocklehurst )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst and Megan Jones
Setting: Megan's office at the Women's Health Clinic
Date: Wednesday, 21 February
Content/Rating: PG-13-ish. Mandy will likely use language.
Summary: Mandy needs to speak with Megan
Status: Threaded, Complete

Mandy's day hadn't started out well, not at all. She'd elected to eat breakfast in the Great Hall that morning, sitting beside Professor Flitwick and discussing Charms theory with him before the bell rang and she made her way up to the Astronomy Tower. Halfway there, a commotion broke out in a corridor, the end result being Mandy's chin growing three sizes too big, and the two boys receiving detention -- with her -- for Friday evening. As this weekend was also a Hogsmeade weekend, she had ensured that both boys would be sitting in detention with Professor Sprout.

Shrinking Mandy's chin was, however, beyond Madame Pomfrey's mien, and she was referred to Hogsmeade. Mandy chose to see the Healer at the Women's Health Clinic, and it wasn't long before she was normal-chinned again and waiting in the examination room for Megan to join her. She had been given a gown to wear and sat wrinkling it in her hands, nervous.

Feb. 21st, 2012


Owl deliveries for Wendy, Neville, Ron and Susan. )

Feb. 9th, 2012


Characters: Eddie and Megan.
Setting: Eddie’s place in London.
Date: Thursday night, 9 February.
Content/Rating: Low-ish. They're in bed. There is kissing.
Summary: An evening staying in. Things will happen. They’ll talk. Oh, boy, do they talk - about moving in and job changes and they get engaged. Again. Yay!
Status: Threaded. Complete.

It was almost sickening how very domestic their whole evening had been so far )

Feb. 5th, 2012


Characters: Wendy Roper and Megan Jones.
Setting: Wendy’s house before they go to the play.
Date: Sunday night, 5 February.
Content/Rating: Probably on the low side.
Summary: Girls’ night. Talking about boys.
Status: Threaded. Complete.

Megan was early. )

Feb. 4th, 2012


Characters: Eddie Carmichael and Megan Jones.
Setting: Megan’s flat in Hogsmeade.
Date: Saturday morning, 4 February
Content/Rating: PG-ish for morning-after stuff.
Summary: Eddie stayed the night; they talk; breakfast never really happens.
Status: Complete.

Morning, Beautiful. )

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Who: Eddie and Megan
What: A date that isn't a date.
Where: Starting at Megan's, then at one of their favorite restaurants
When: Backdated to Saturday, 21 January
Rating: Pretty G
Status: Logged, Complete

Just lunch. Not a date. )

Jan. 20th, 2012


Characters: Wendy Roper and Megan Jones.
Setting: Wendy’s home.
Date: Wednesday night, 18 January 2005
Content/Rating: G.
Summary: Girl talk and wine.
Status: Complete.

It was after eight when Megan knocked on Wendy’s front door )

Jan. 17th, 2012


Characters: Eddie Carmichael and Megan Jones.
Setting: A pub somewhere in London.
Date: Tuesday night, 17 January.
Content/Rating: G-ish. I suck at rating stuff.
Summary: They finally have the talk they should've had ages ago.
Status: Complete.

I miss you. )