Mar. 30th, 2012


Characters: Theodore Nott and Ronald Weasley
Setting: The Three Broomsticks
Date: Friday, March 30th, evening
Content/Rating: R for language
Summary: Nott and Weasley go drinking
Status: Threaded; incomplete

Drink )

Mar. 1st, 2012


Owl to Ron

Owl to Ron, first thing in the morning )


Owl to Ronald Weasley )



Feb. 28th, 2012


Characters: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
Setting: A café near the Ministry
Date: Tuesday, 28 February
Content/Rating: Language. Harry likes to curse. >.>
Summary: Ron has talked to George, and now he is going to talk to Harry.
Status: Logged; complete

Ron likes ketchup. Harry likes chips.  )

Feb. 23rd, 2012


Characters: George Weasley and Ron Weasley
Setting: George's office at the shop.
Date: Thursday, 23 February, about lunchtime
Content/Rating: Likely PG-ish, because they are boys.
Summary: Ron's having Thoughts, and decides to talk to George, over lunch
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

The Bangery had the best sandwiches, and when Ron played his cards right, he walked away with with massive ones, filled with meats and cheeses and dripping with sandwich sauces and lettuce and tomatoes and onions and whatever else could be thought of to make a proper sandwich. A bag of crisps and a bottle of butterbeer each rounded out the meal, and Ron entered George's office without knocking, holding the sack with the sandwiches above his head triumphantly.

"Seamus's mum made us sandwiches," he said by way of greeting, putting the food down on a pile of parchments and lifting out a wrapped sandwich to his brother and keeping one for himself. He opened it and took a bite before sitting, closing his eyes and moaning in ecstasy. Sometimes food could be as good as sex.

Feb. 18th, 2012


Characters: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
Setting: Hermione's flat
Date: Saturday afternoon, 18 February
Content/Rating: Pretty low.
Summary: Hermione's still under the weather, and Ron wants to see how she's feeling.
Status: Threaded, Incomplete.

It being soup weather, Molly Weasley had made soup. )

Feb. 14th, 2012


owl delivery for hermione granger at her office )


owl delivery for fleur and victoire weasley )


owl to harry potter, sent to his desk at the ministry )

Feb. 2nd, 2012


Who: Hermione, Harry, and possibly later Ron
What: Dinner and hanging out!
Where: Harry's house
When: Evening, 2 February
Rating: TBD - low?
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

She couldn't help but tease him. )

Jan. 26th, 2012


Characters: Fleur Weasley, Victoire Weasley, and Ron Weasley
Setting: Shell Cottage
Date: January 25th, 2005 (backdated)
Content/Rating: PGish?
Summary: Ron is the bestest best uncie!
Status: Incomplete

bestest best uncie ever! )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Characters: Seamus Finnigan and OPEN
Setting: The Banging Bash Eatery, Karaoke night
Date: Sunday night, 22 January 2005
Content/Rating: Language! People will be drinking too much and singing poorly
Summary: Its Sunday night, and the gang is gathering
Status: incomplete

Jan. 15th, 2012


Characters: Ron Weasley, Charlie Weasley
Setting: food shops in London
Date: Sunday, shortly after Fleur's journal entry
Content/Rating: PG
Summary: Ron promises Fleur more chicken and some fresh watermelon. He drags Charlie along, to carry packages.
Status: Complete!

Ron wasn't much of a food shopper; a look into his fridge would show that. However, he wasn't Molly Weasley's son for nothing. It hadn't taken him and Charlie long to pick out two large chickens, to supplement Fleur's single promised chicken. And now, they were on their third shop, looking for a damned watermelon.

Ron stood in the produce section, looking at a variety of melons, none of them the distinctive green of the one they wanted. Most shopkeepers gave them looks that said quite plainly that they were not right in the head. Watermelons? In January?

Ron shook his head, looking over to his brother. "So, think she'd take a fruit basket instead? Maybe some grapes?"