Feb. 25th, 2012


Who: Eddie and Fergus
What: Eddie goes to check up on Fergus!
Where: Fergus' flat
When: Afternoon, 25 February
Rating: TBD - probably low
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

It had been a while since he hung out with Fergus )

Feb. 9th, 2012


Characters: Eddie and Megan.
Setting: Eddie’s place in London.
Date: Thursday night, 9 February.
Content/Rating: Low-ish. They're in bed. There is kissing.
Summary: An evening staying in. Things will happen. They’ll talk. Oh, boy, do they talk - about moving in and job changes and they get engaged. Again. Yay!
Status: Threaded. Complete.

It was almost sickening how very domestic their whole evening had been so far )

Feb. 4th, 2012


Characters: Eddie Carmichael and Megan Jones.
Setting: Megan’s flat in Hogsmeade.
Date: Saturday morning, 4 February
Content/Rating: PG-ish for morning-after stuff.
Summary: Eddie stayed the night; they talk; breakfast never really happens.
Status: Complete.

Morning, Beautiful. )

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Who: Eddie and Megan
What: A date that isn't a date.
Where: Starting at Megan's, then at one of their favorite restaurants
When: Backdated to Saturday, 21 January
Rating: Pretty G
Status: Logged, Complete

Just lunch. Not a date. )

Jan. 17th, 2012


Characters: Eddie Carmichael and Megan Jones.
Setting: A pub somewhere in London.
Date: Tuesday night, 17 January.
Content/Rating: G-ish. I suck at rating stuff.
Summary: They finally have the talk they should've had ages ago.
Status: Complete.

I miss you. )