July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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May 1st, 2010

[info]fromdust in [info]academy_x

To: jguthrie@xaviers.edu
From: sqadir@xaviers.edu
Subject: Tonight

Hello, Jay. I hope you are well. We had, at one point, discussed having a movie marathon in lieu of attending tonight's Prom festivities. Are you still interested in spending some time together and watching a movie or two? I would enjoy that very much. Please let me know if you are free.

I have The Music Man and Singing in the Rain to watch, or something else if you are interested.

Yours most Sincerely,

[info]howshedances in [info]academy_x

who: Sofia, OT Paige, Alison, Megan, any girl!
when: Saturday afternoon
where: Girl's locker room; adjacent to Danger Room
what: Prom may be hours away, but the clock is ticking for the girls to get their hair and make-up just right.

Fashionistas, assemble! )

[info]nomoremriceguy in [info]academy_x

who: Bobby, Remy, Tyrone, JP, Josh, OT any dude
when: Saturday afternoon; not as early as those crazy ladies
where: Josh and Alex's room and bathroom
what: Boys' prep thread. It's almost prom time, and Bobby and crew are faced with a dilemma they normally don't have: spending more than five minutes in front of a mirror.

Plug your nostrils. There's cologne and hair gel everywhere. )

[info]keeningheart in [info]academy_x

Who: OT Everyone!
When: Saturday night
Where: The (decked-out) gym
What: PROM

A night to remember. )

[info]fromdust in [info]academy_x

Who: Sooraya and Jay
When: Tonight, instead of prom
Where: Rec Room
What: Watching movies.

Do you not see it? I love you. )
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