July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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April 5th, 2010

[info]_fasterthanyou in [info]academy_x

Who: Pietro and John, then Wanda
When: Sunday night after these e-mails
Where: John and Jay's Dorm
What: FIGHT!

Okay, enough was enough )

[info]locked_on in [info]academy_x

Who: Betsy, OTA
When: Sunday night
Where: By the pool
What: The crowded club had left Betsy with a headache that still lingered the following day. Maybe reading outside away from where most of the people were would help? Not like she needed light to read in the dark anyway.

A hangover would have been better than this )

[info]gc_161 in [info]academy_x

Who: Cessily Kincaid and Logan
When: Monday, March 29, 2010 - evening [backdated]
Where: The Kincaid Residence, Portland, OR
What: Logan goes to retrieve Cessily and bring her back! (Rating: PG?)
OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get this up!

Cessily felt numb. )

[info]romyno in [info]academy_x

When: Foredated to Tuesday morning
Where: The American Museum of Natural History, New York City
What: Field Trip! Feel free to branch off into separate threads if you want to. *There is a nifty floor plan of the museum here: http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/floorplan/pdfs/AMNH_Floorplan_English.pdf

All of the students and staff members had been herded out to the drive way promptly at 7 am on Tuesday morning where a large charter bus was waiting. Before they left, the Professor gave everyone a run down of the usual rules: stay in your groups, be on your best behavior, no powers, listen to the staff, and so on and so forth. Those who needed image inducers had been fitted with them the day before and given a tutorial by Dr. McCoy on how to use them. Dr. McCoy made sure of course to remind everyone to be mindful of the devices and to keep an eye on the batteries. Finally Scott read the list of the groups aloud so that everyone knew who they were supposed to be with before they all piled into the vans for the four hour drive to New York City.

After a carefully timed (by Scott of course) pit stop or two, the bus finally pulled up in front of the American Museum of Natural History around noon. The professors ushered the students out and corralled their own groups together. There were quite a few ways to make one's way through the museum, and each professor had a different track to take. Everyone was supposed to meet back in the main lobby at 5 o'clock. Xavier tried very hard to plan everything, trusting Scott to keep the order. But the best laid plans - they never go right.

The professors took their groups through the large doors of the entrance. The group remained large as tickets were passed out, guides picked up, paths selected. The group branched into two still-large groups first, as there were only so many entrances to the exhibits, and then each group splintered off until the six groups had separated and started on their tours.

Field Trip Groups )