September 9th, 2017



Journal: Clorinda, Public

Very good news: I've got a new lead for a new artefact. I won't tell you what, because it's a surprise (and I don't want anyone else to get his/her hand on it)

Very bad news: Apparently there is a civil war in Sudan. Muggles have been killing each other and foreigners. I think my whiteness sort of lets them know I'm a foreigner. It's the reason why no one else is willing to go.

Good news: There's a war and I won't have competition

Bad news: I'll be gone from the 29th of September until the 9th of October. Don't break Britain while I'm gone.



Journal: Andromera 3

Think something's going to happen my family wise and I prepared? It's not affecting us but Cissa...

[heavily warded Sirius/Regulus/Narcissa/Andy]

trying for an olive branch What do you all of you say to a family meal? Just the four of us? No outside influences just us four.



Owl to Clorinda Hopkirk

The note says, May your poison well never run dry )



RP: Kingsley & Sirius

Who: Kings & Sirius
What: Checking out the club
Where: The Marauders Den
When: Sat, Sept 9, late evening

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RP: Regulus and Leo

Who: Regulus and Leo
What: They talk and argue probably
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Sunday, 10 September, 1987
Rating: low

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RP: Clorinda and Sirius

Who: Clorinda and Sirius
What: as much as it pains her to do it, she returns the priceless, oh em gee super amazing, ring
Where: Marauders Den
When: very late 9 September, 1987 after Kingsley leaves
Rating: low

I can't believe you did that )