January 9th, 2008

[info]shinnite in [info]7_days

January Posting

Before I post up this week's (very late) prompts, I want to note a couple of changes and a possible suggestion.

- Weekly prompts will now be posted on Wednesday instead of Sunday, as Wednesday is my only day off now.

- Prompts will now include quotes, song lyrics, and just about anything else I can think of (suggestions welcome!) in addition to the single words they have been previously.

- I was thinking of spicing up the community to include bi-weekly challenges. These challenges would be simple things, such as writing prompts with a specific genre, pov, or word count. The sign-up for the challenge would be posted on the weekly prompt post before the challenge (i.e. if I was going to have a challenge on week 17, I would post the notice on week 16's prompt post, where people would sign up). For the week of the challenge, the terms of the challenge will be reposted and (possibly) the names of all who sign up to serve as a reminder. People who participate in the challenges would be using the same prompts as people who don't.

The challenges would be completely voluntary - for those who don't want to participate, they can still continue writing for prompts as they please. So, comments? Suggestions? Yea or Nay? I'd like some input from the users (on this and anything else within the post) before implementing my ideas.

[info]shinnite in [info]7_days

Week 7

Here are the prompts for this week. Remember that the submissions can be any length, but must be posted on their specified day by 11:59 PM EST. If you have a suggestion for a prompt, please leave it as a comment (comments will be screened).

Thursday January 10, 2008: Shades of Grey
Friday January 11, 2008: Lullaby For a Stormy Night*
Saturday January 12, 2008: Lead me not into temptation**
Sunday January 13, 2008: Sand beneath my feet
Monday January 14, 2008: New
Tuesday January 15, 2008: Old
Wednesday January 16, 2008: Lovers

*Title of a (very lovely) Vienna Teng song. Lyrics here for those interested.
**Quote from Rita Mae Brown