October 7th, 2007

[info]shinnite in [info]7_days

Week One

Here are the prompts for this week. Remember that the submissions can be any length, but must be posted on their specified day by 11:59 PM EST.

Monday October 8: Dark
Tuesday October 9: Smile
Wednesday October 10: Rope
Thursday October 11: Time
Friday October 12: Frustration
Saturday October 13: Wolf
Sunday October 14: Siblings
Tags: ,

[info]rontgenkatze in [info]7_days

Let's Give this a Try

New to the community, but I think it is a wonderful concept.

My first contribution:

Title:Hank's Horrible Night (working title)
Author: [info]rontgenkatze aka Katze
Prompt: Dark (Monday, October 8, 2007)
Fandom: Original character fiction
Rating: G for this segment
Word Count: 1630
Author's Note: Work in progress. Hope you enjoy. Feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated and flames will be ignored.