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Posts Tagged: 'vic'

Aug. 19th, 2018




who: vic & vaughn
setting: their place/central park

at least there wasn't much fighting this time )
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Jul. 6th, 2018



Mornings and Promises

Who: Chase and Vic
Setting: Chase's Apartment

getting in too deep )
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Jun. 15th, 2018




Who: Chase and Vic
Setting: Chase's apartment
Warning: a little NSFW

getting what you need )
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May. 26th, 2018



mo money

who: vic & vaughn
setting: central park

mo problems )
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May. 20th, 2018



wtf are you doing?

who: epiphany, vaughn & vic
setting: the temple, central park

let yourself be human )

Mar. 16th, 2018



one got lucky

who: The Casker Bros
setting: their tent/central park/after the punishments are handed out

one did not )
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Mar. 5th, 2018



a propostion

Who: Chase and Vic
Setting: Vic's tent, Central Park, Fireworks night

Chase had lost Mazie to her tablet again, which was fine. He’d headed into the crowd to find them something else to drink, smiling at people as he passed them, even mindful of someone who might recognize him. They rarely spoke to him, but he knew what that wide-eyed look meant. It meant they were trying to figure out if he was real. In some cases, they were right to think it, those that only paid for the low level features of his website, which was merely an avatar of himself. Sure, it was based off him and video content he’d made, but still, it was a simulation.

He ducked away from a pair of wide eyes, edging into a tent and not meaning to brush up against the man there. The contact, not something he was totally useful, had him pulling back immediately. “Sorry, sorry,” he said, flashing a smile and hoping all was forgiven.

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