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Posts Tagged: 'mazie'

Aug. 19th, 2018



So you have a plan?

Who: Landon and Mazie
Setting: The Morgan Library

Read more... )
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May. 19th, 2018



Viva La Revolution

Who: Landon, Jayci, and Mazie
Setting: a shady bar in midtown

except we have to get along first )

May. 1st, 2018



message to lore

[to lore]
[from jeff]
[channel secure]

hey, can you run a check on someone for me? what'll it cost?

[end message]
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Apr. 2nd, 2018



< Chat to Mazie >

Thought about it. We need to talk. And I have someone who's going to need to meet you, and be in on things. With as much protection for him as humanly possible because if he goes down I'm going to go scorched earth and flame the fuck out fast. It will be UGLY.
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Mar. 24th, 2018



cousin time

who: jayci and mazie
setting: underground eatery

and potential life changes )
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Mar. 16th, 2018



[ Notification Pushed to All ] RISE UP.

< notification is pushed to all active users of several popular chat forums. > STOP SLEEPING AND RISE UP.

< notification links to chat post >

What are you doing? Why are you sleeping through this? Does no one have a problem with this world? How can you stand by and let the brainless, dickless narcs in charge force you around like this?

What they are doing is wrong. If any of you have the guts to stand up to them, you can find me here.

- Oh -

And if you happen to be the one who ratted everyone out on Fireworks night, watch your back. I'm coming for you.


Mar. 6th, 2018



Chat to Chase

< Sent at 3:03 am >

I have intel on your new boy. Where do you want me to start?
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Mar. 4th, 2018



Battle Cry - A Call to Arms

This one is for the fucked up, chewed up, spit out, stepped on.
No luck, no fucks, tough love, half blood.

They took your money and your freedom and your time
They almost took it all but they'll never take your mind.

Talk. Listen. Observe. Report. ACT.

This system is broken. It falls to us to fix it.

Join LEGION and make a real change in this hellhole.

Contact here with information. This is an open forum for action against injustice.


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Mar. 3rd, 2018



just trying to get out in the real world

Who: Chase and Mazie
Setting: Central Park, Fireworks night

He’d had to pull a little, but Chase had not only gotten Mazie to leave her computers, but also to take a damn shower. Of course he’d had to sit on the counter in her bathroom to make sure she actually did get in the shower and not just turn the water on, but hey, little victories. She wasn’t dressed like he wanted, but it was better than nothing.

Fireworks though, they kind of brought out everyone. That was the glamour of the night. He made sure to get them each a drink and popped his collar against the cold, and looped his arm with hers. “See? Fresh air. It’s good for you.”

the fresh air is good for you )
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