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Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Jean OT x23 and Logan (if he's around and wants to hop in at some point)
What: Jean's joined the team, now she needs to learn to fight.
When: Monday morning
Where: somewhere with mats. lots and lots of mats
Warnings: None probably

Trials and Training Sessions )
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Feb. 11th, 2011


Who: Madrox OT Phoenix
What: A new X-Man... Woman
When: Friday afternoon
Where: The Haven war room
Jamie had more than enough to be neurotic about. )

Feb. 4th, 2011


Who: Dr. Moreau OT Jean
When: [backdated] Feb. 3, midmorning
Where: Starts at the Haven
What: They were together, now they're apart. The question becomes: is this for now or forever?

It felt as if there was an elephant in the room. )

Jan. 31st, 2011


Who: Moreau OT Jean
When: Morning Monday Jan 31
Where: [phone convo] Omega Base to Haven
What: Sinister calls Jean just to talk.

Love was how many great men have found their way to their own destruction and smiled all the while. )

Jan. 30th, 2011


Who: Phoenix OTA
What: Jean is struggling to come to terms with 'things'
When: Sunday morning
Where: Haven Rec Room

In the immortal words of Robert Frost, two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and Jean was struggling to decide which path to take. )
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Jan. 22nd, 2011


Who: Jean OT Logan
When: After the VISION
Where: Logan's rooms at Haven
What: Jean wakes up from the nightmare and goes looking for Logan. He DID offer, after all.
Warning: Adultiness. Nothing too graphic, but adult themes.

Got that beer? )

Jan. 19th, 2011


Who: Jean (narrative)
What: Thinking out loud.
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Nate's Room

Thoughts are never private things when you're a telepath. )

Jan. 17th, 2011


Who: Elixir and Jean
What: Jean checks on her brother
When: Monday morning
Where: Infirmary

This could've been him )

Jan. 15th, 2011


Who: Jean and Wolverine
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Haven Cemetary
What: Jean visit's Rascal's grave, Wolverine finds her
Warnings: Sadness.

Jan. 9th, 2011


Who: Jean and an inert Nate, Xavier, Wolverine
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Craven Park
What: Jean finds Nate
Warnings: Sadness.

Please Don't Leave Me... )

Jan. 8th, 2011


Who: Moreau [Sinister] & Jean OT Brotherhood (Magneto eventually?)
When: Afternoon, Jan 8
Where: Omega Base
What: Moreau brings Jean to the Brotherhood to show her around.

A gentleman must give a lady a proper tour. )

Jan. 6th, 2011


Who: Nate Grey, open to all Telepaths, Psychics, Precogs including M-Town folks and The Brotherhood. Non telepaths may also share the nightmare.
What: A nightmare, or a premonition?
When: Friday night, January 7th (FORWARD DATED)
Where: All over the Eastern Seaboard.
Warnings: TBD


Dec. 28th, 2010


Who: Jean OT Sinister (as Eddie)
Where: His Their home
When: Midnight, New Years Eve (pre-dated since we don't know what we'll be doing on New Years)
What: Jean comes home after her time with Nate, deciding to take the lack of relationship between herself and Eddie into her own hands.
Warning: Sexual Themes of a Hetero Nature. How detailed TBD

The merry year is born Like the bright berry from the naked thorn. ~Hartley Coleridge )

Dec. 25th, 2010


Who: Jean OT Cyclops
What: Random encounters of the randomness.
When: Christmas Eve Late
Where: Outside by the lake.

Dec. 15th, 2010


Who: Jean OT Nate
What: Jean Arrives at the Haven
When: 12/15, evening
Where: Haven
Warnings: TBD but doubt anything

Dec. 4th, 2010


Who: Phoenix OT Shaman
What: A meeting of minds... literally.
When: Saturday night
Where: That's an interesting question.  Where do dreams really take place?  Especially dreams that both people share and remember....
Warnings: none atm

Nov. 26th, 2010


Who: Jean OT Sinister
What: A Date, of sorts
When: Thanksgiving
Where: Downtown
Warnings: TBD but doubt anything

Here Comes Santa Claus! )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Dr. Moreau was busy...

Who: Nathaniel Essex OT Jean Grey
Where: Essex's private space hidden beneath Roosevelt Island
When: Saturday evening.
What: Essex awakens Jean.

He was busy learning more about Jean. )

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Undercover: Excalibur vs. the Loony Bin

Who: Open to EXCALIBUR, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Sinister (and anyone who wants to NPC bad guys with the NPC journal! You know you want to. :D)
What: The search for the captured mutants
When: Forward Dated to Thursday night
Where: St. Andreas Home for the Mentally Infirm, upstate New York
Warnings: TBD, possible language, violence

The institution was nothing like one of those terrifying horror movie mental hospitals. Quite the contrary. Although it was obviously a modest place, the architecture was elegant and sound, and the lawns were well kept. Clearly the buildings were old, but they looked clean and fairly well appointed to the naked eye. The sky blue water tower looming behind it almost managed to make it look picturesque. But the latest blips in Cerebro's radar, coupled with Blindfold's predictions had unequivocally pointed to this as the source of the powerful psionic mutant signature being held against their will. Xavier had even managed to discern a name. Jean. Possibly Jean Grey, although he wasn't entirely certain if the Grey part referred to something or someone else. Her last telepathic cry had been confused.

Pete Wisdom had decided his team was ready to do some field work. )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: Jean Grey OT The Being Soon to Be Known As Nate Grey
What: An attempt at communication
When:  Sunday afternoon
Where: Her cell
Warnings: none?

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