Feb. 27th, 2011


Logan was the only one he was really worried about.

Who: Madrox OT any and all X-Men
What: Discussing the dreams
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The Haven war room
Logan was also the least likely to attend. )

OOC: feel free to break into sub-thread discussions between characters. I'd love for this to not be a huge, slow, never-ending group thread. Jamie can hop into multiple sub-threads, if you want him specifically just leave his name in the subject line.

Feb. 22nd, 2011


Who: Cycops and OTA
What: Whatever?
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Haven
As a species we are always hungry for new knowledge. )
Tags: ,

Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: Valkyri OTA
What: Sabbah was being watched. It wasn't a comfortable feeling.
When: Monday
Where: Common Grounds
Warnings: TBD

That prickly feeling at the base of her skull... )

Feb. 4th, 2011


Who: Cyclops and Blindfold
When: Saturday, early afternoon
Where: Mutant Town
What: Coffee and a bookstore

Boulevard of Broken Dreams )

Jan. 21st, 2011


Who: Jeanne-Marie, Scott and open to Kurt.
What: After the dream she freaks out and finds her comfort with Scott, which is unfortunate for his roommate Kurt.
When: Six AM Saturday morning after she wakes up.
Where: Haven: Scott and Kurt's room.
Warnings: Girl in the boys dorm AH!

Wake up, please, please! )

Jan. 7th, 2011


Who: Scott and Jeanne-Marie
What: Jeanne-Marie is having a heck of a time building a snowman and asks for some help.
When: Friday morning
Where: Haven grounds.
Warnings: Probably nothing? Mild smoochin'

It's not a winter wasteland.. it's a winter wonderland! )

Dec. 25th, 2010


Who: Jean OT Cyclops
What: Random encounters of the randomness.
When: Christmas Eve Late
Where: Outside by the lake.

Dec. 10th, 2010


Who: Havok, open to reactions from all X-Men
What: An early Christmas present
When: Sunday morning (Forward dated)
Where: Haven
Warnings: None

He was sneaky! )

Nov. 25th, 2010


Who: Mercury OTA at Haven
What: Being Thankful... sort of.  And football (American style). 
Thanksgiving Day.
Where: Rec Room
Warnings: none at the moment


Nov. 24th, 2010


Who: Alex, Scott
What: A talk
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Haven, picnic tables out back
Warnings: Angst, more than likely

It wasn't warm, but at least it wasn't exactly cold either )

Nov. 21st, 2010


Who: Aurora, Shadowcat and Cyclops.
What: She is having some issues. Per usual.
When: Monday evening.
Where: Haven
Warnings: TBD

So, I lost my head awhile ago but you seem to do no better. )


Who: Elixir & Cyclops
What: Possibilities
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Haven - Infirmary
Warnings: TBD but doubt anything

An attempt to fix good old pink eye... )

Nov. 14th, 2010


Who: Polaris OT Cyclops
What: Running interference, of sorts
When: [BACKDATED] Early morning Nov 5th (after this; and this)
Where: Haven infirmary
Warnings: TBD

Lorna might be overstepping... )

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Undercover: Excalibur vs. the Loony Bin

Who: Open to EXCALIBUR, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Sinister (and anyone who wants to NPC bad guys with the NPC journal! You know you want to. :D)
What: The search for the captured mutants
When: Forward Dated to Thursday night
Where: St. Andreas Home for the Mentally Infirm, upstate New York
Warnings: TBD, possible language, violence

The institution was nothing like one of those terrifying horror movie mental hospitals. Quite the contrary. Although it was obviously a modest place, the architecture was elegant and sound, and the lawns were well kept. Clearly the buildings were old, but they looked clean and fairly well appointed to the naked eye. The sky blue water tower looming behind it almost managed to make it look picturesque. But the latest blips in Cerebro's radar, coupled with Blindfold's predictions had unequivocally pointed to this as the source of the powerful psionic mutant signature being held against their will. Xavier had even managed to discern a name. Jean. Possibly Jean Grey, although he wasn't entirely certain if the Grey part referred to something or someone else. Her last telepathic cry had been confused.

Pete Wisdom had decided his team was ready to do some field work. )

Nov. 24th, 2009


Anchor Thread & Log coding

Anchor & Log Coding )