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Feb. 27th, 2011


Logan was the only one he was really worried about.

Who: Madrox OT any and all X-Men
What: Discussing the dreams
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The Haven war room
Logan was also the least likely to attend. )

OOC: feel free to break into sub-thread discussions between characters. I'd love for this to not be a huge, slow, never-ending group thread. Jamie can hop into multiple sub-threads, if you want him specifically just leave his name in the subject line.

Feb. 15th, 2011


Who: Storm OT Multiple Man
When: Afternoon, Feb. 15
Where: Jamie's Room
What: Storm seeks out the leader of the X-men to talk about what is going on.

Former and Present...hopefully it won't be versus. )

Feb. 11th, 2011


Who: Madrox OT Phoenix
What: A new X-Man... Woman
When: Friday afternoon
Where: The Haven war room
Jamie had more than enough to be neurotic about. )

Jan. 22nd, 2011


Who: Madrox, Valkyri and Elixir
What: A meeting with the healers
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The Haven war room
First impressions be damned. )

Jan. 15th, 2011


I'm sure you're wondering what I'm doing up here at the head of the table

Who: Madrox, open to all X-Men
What: Meeting the troops
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The Haven war room
...since I've sexually harassed... probably at least half of you. )

Jan. 12th, 2011


He had been alone with himselves.

Who: Madrox & Xavier
What: Talk of the future... and a good bit of disbelief.
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Xavier's office
For anyone else, that would probably be incorrect English and logic. )

Jan. 9th, 2011


He was not going to take this laying down.

Who: Madrox narrative
What: Mourning, in more ways than one
When: Sunday night
Where: Jamie's room
Warnings: Language, man stank
Well, actually, he was going to take it laying down. )

Jan. 5th, 2011


I thought you had gone and died or something

Who: Madrox & Wisdom
What: Breaking the news
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Excalibur offices
Warnings: Language
I wasn’t aware you could survive a whole day without me. )

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Who: Madrox, OTA
What: Happy Hangover Day... or not so happy
When: Saurday morning, New Years Day (Backdated)
Where: Haven Kitchen
Shhhhh. Not so loud. Headache. )

Dec. 22nd, 2010


Wait... what?

Who: Wisdom OT Madrox
When: Wednesday, Dec. 22
Where: Haven
What: Et tu, Jamie? - - - Nuh uh! et tu, Pete?
Warnings: Language, language, language. Possible violence? More TBD

There's a cool, ill wind in my heart tonight, There's not any old thing that'll make it right - Tara's Road )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Who: Blindfold OT Wisdom, other Excalibur Members, & Storm
When: Evening, Dec 18
Where: Starts in the Haven Library, moves to Wisdom's room, then to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
What: Ruth foresees an imminent return and goes to tell her boss about it.

Wisdom, ya need ta get up! )

Dec. 5th, 2010


A novelty necktie?

Who: Madrox, OTA
What: Shopping
When: Sunday evening
Where: Mutant Town near Uncommon Grounds
Do you really want him to break one of our noses? )

Nov. 20th, 2010


don't have to look hard, you're not gangsta

Who: Pixie OT Multiple Man
What: Megan runs into some Sentinel trouble, Jamie helps out.
When: Saturday evening
Where: Back streets of Mutant Town
Warnings: Meanness, some cussing, ~THUG LYFE~

you live with your mum and you work in asda. so what, you gonna start a fight, you can't have one dance on a saturday night? )

Nov. 14th, 2010


Open the door. Let's talk.

Who: Madrox and Wisdom
What: Checking up on a friend
When: Very late night, November 4th, immediately after this [BACKDATED... again]
Where: Wisdom's room
Warnings: Wisdom's potty mouth
I brought alcohol! )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Funny, it was just cloth,

Who: Madrox and Rascal
What: Roommates shouldn't keep secrets
When: Very late night, November 4th, after this [BACKDATED]
Where: Jamie and Rascal's room
Warnings: Blood, language?
...Yet it seemed to hit with all the authority of a gavel. )

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Undercover: Excalibur vs. the Loony Bin

Who: Open to EXCALIBUR, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Sinister (and anyone who wants to NPC bad guys with the NPC journal! You know you want to. :D)
What: The search for the captured mutants
When: Forward Dated to Thursday night
Where: St. Andreas Home for the Mentally Infirm, upstate New York
Warnings: TBD, possible language, violence

The institution was nothing like one of those terrifying horror movie mental hospitals. Quite the contrary. Although it was obviously a modest place, the architecture was elegant and sound, and the lawns were well kept. Clearly the buildings were old, but they looked clean and fairly well appointed to the naked eye. The sky blue water tower looming behind it almost managed to make it look picturesque. But the latest blips in Cerebro's radar, coupled with Blindfold's predictions had unequivocally pointed to this as the source of the powerful psionic mutant signature being held against their will. Xavier had even managed to discern a name. Jean. Possibly Jean Grey, although he wasn't entirely certain if the Grey part referred to something or someone else. Her last telepathic cry had been confused.

Pete Wisdom had decided his team was ready to do some field work. )

Oct. 29th, 2010


Haven Halloween Party

Who: Open to everyone at Haven or who would have reason to be there
What: The Haven throws a Halloween bash
When: Saturday, after sundown
Where: Various parts of the Haven
The Haven Halloween party was officially underway!  )

Oct. 20th, 2010


Even if I do answer me, it might not be the truth.

Who: Multiple Man, OTA
What: Wandering the halls
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Inside the Haven
I can really suck sometimes. )

Oct. 16th, 2010


Nothing strange about twins, right?

Who: Multiple Man, OTA
What: Coffee and chatting
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Uncommon Grounds in Mutant Town
Jamie found himself having a cup of coffee with himself )

Oct. 2nd, 2010


Who: Multiple Man, OT Psylocke
What: Playing tour guide
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Restaurant leading to the Haven
He just hoped he did not end up the hostage in some Bond-esque British plot. )

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