May 2017



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May 6th, 2015

[info]webangst in [info]we_coexist

Casual encounters (Effie)

Peter hummed softly to himself, excitement flowing through every fiber of his being. He didn't know what really the cause was for such a feeling, it just seemed to come at him quickly and gain momentum with each moment that passed. Maybe it was the beauty of the night. The breeze was warm and inviting, and the way it pushed through the soft strands of his hair and the way it caressed the exposed skin of his face and arms was alluring. Peter had always liked the evening. Things tended to seem more alive and alert. Things happened then. He was grateful for the sun, too, but there was just something about the way the moon shone down on the Earth that made it special. It was better when someone shared it with you, but seeing it alone was good too.

The streets were packed with moving bodies, laughter and merriment. The doors of shops stood open to welcome pedestrians into their places to further inspect their wares. As tempting as it was to cross those thresholds, Peter allowed himself the luxury of window shopping. Delights of all sorts called to him from beyond the glass. Some were encased in glass beyond the windows, special trinkets of lovely designs ready to be plucked from their casings and taking to those whom would adore them as they were meant to be adored.

His blue eyes wandered the items of one shop in particular, a small, independent alcove stacked with carts filled with old books. The carts were parked on the side of the shop itself, an honest gesture for passerbys to peruse the wares that one could hold in their hand. Finally the temptation was too much and Peter stopped at a cart. Fingers browsed the tops of the bundles of worn, aged pages. His eyes ate up the text on the spines and instantly he could feel the love these books had received before being donated by that lover with hopes of them finding another heart to capture. There was nothing more lovable than a good book. At least, that was his opinion.

The humming ceased and Peter took an excited breath before divulging into the stacks of books. He searched for nothing in particular, just perusing the carts slowly so as not to miss anything vital. Not even the scents from the surrounding bakeries and pizza parlors could tug him away just then. No. This was a gem worth excavating.