May 2017



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May 2nd, 2015

[info]ablinddevil in [info]we_coexist

Stranger things (Liv)

The day felt strange to Matt.

It felt more right than anything else had been before and he wasn't sure as to why. Why. It was a good question to ask though it seemed like such a small thing to struggle with. Had he been normal, not so in tune with his surroundings perhaps that subtle shift would have gone unnoticed. It felt a little like it had when he got close to the TARDIS. It felt a touch like the bit of energy across his skin and then it had faded as fast as it had come. He would mention it to Rose, see if she could tell him exactly what had happened. Matt had not had the chance to pick up that day's newspaper or he would have discovered the change instantly. Before the dates had been reading November...December...and now that same paper was claiming the date had been shifted forward. May 1. That was a pretty big shift and that the City was capable of such a thing...Matt doubted it would have surprised him. This place did have a power, he could feel it.

Trying to shake the strangeness of the day, the lawyer and vigilante hero made his way down the sidewalk. His baton swung back and forth as he moved, though he didn't need it. He had even taken to not using his sunglasses hardly anymore. Rose had seen the scars, the haze over his eyes and she hadn't run screaming. He figured that the same chance should be given to the rest of the people in town. Maybe they wouldn't be as giving as the Brit, but he would never know if he didn't try.

Laurel had vanished. She had been his new partner at the firm and while Matt hated giving up Foggy's office, his best friend hadn't exactly been there to stake claim on it. The name of the firm had not changed, it was still the same Nelson and Murdock that it had been before. Except now it was just him again. Him, and Rose and Paulina the receptionist. And he hadn't even had to pull out his costume from the back of the closet and dust it off, either, lately. It had been sort of nice knowing he could fall into the comfort of warmth of Rose's body heat and the invitation of comforters and pillows. That the City didn't need his mask, his services or his protection. That helped him keep his promise to Rose that he would always make it back to her, one way or the other.

Of course all of Matt's thoughts ceased to exist as a strange sound floated into his ears. It was definitely a heart beat, but it wasn't the usual lub-dub that the organ made. The pace was much slower, for one. And two...well, it was the sound of someone dying. On alert, Matt stopped abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk, pedestrian traffic be damned, and waited to find the source of the beat. He hoped he would make it in time.