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March 15th, 2015

[info]slepttoolong in [info]we_coexist

Regrets Collect Like Old Friends [Log]

He found it at the library.

It was an enormous building, far bigger than even the head branch of the New York Public Library. Steve had seen why almost immediately - there were exhibits and displays enough to merit this place a museum as well as a literary archive. Remembering how the phone book had updated itself with new residents, he took to the displays with hungry curiosity, to learn whatever he could about his fellow denizens. There was a lot to learn, and a great deal of it seems almost too much to believe.

Then he turned a corner, and was confronted with an image of Bucky. Etched into a thick pane of glass, the dark hair and eyes still so striking that the sight tugged at Steve's heart. He'd seen this wall before, dozens of times over, at the Smithsonian exhibit in DC. Knowing the historical importance of Captain America and the Howling Commandos, Steve didn't object to the display, but he was still mildly embarrassed by it. He had confronted the curators, however, insisting that his men be given their due recognition - the exhibit couldn't and wouldn't be about him alone.

Each of the Commandos had a wall, but Bucky's had been particularly poignant - the only member of the elite team to fall in the line of duty.

If only. )

[info]toopurrfect in [info]we_coexist

Secret surprises (Macklyn)

Selina needed a break. She had been spending her nights in her suit, taking the streets one after another until all of the things she wanted were hers. And yet she some how didn't feel satisfied. She had Bruce, she had her cat suit and the night, she had any gems in the City she wanted....and yet....and yet there was something missing. Something lacking. She wasn't quite sure what it was. Perhaps it was the excitement from the jungle? Maybe it was the challenge of finding things to do that were beyond her skills. She had felt useful on the island. Here it felt too easy.

She found herself outside of a pet shop, peering in through the glass at the menagerie of creatures inside. Specifically her attention was on the small felines, kittens of all colors frolicking about before the glass. Selina couldn't help but smile. She tapped at the glass with her fingernails, and instantly the kittens all rushed towards her in a clump of tails and fur.

As ease swam over her at the crowd of fur balls, and Selina took an easy breath. It wasn't difficult to attract cats, she had always been able to do it. Felines of all caliber, large and small, wild and tame. Of course none ever could satisfy her heart. Cats could be fickle, coming and going as they saw fit. Her beauty back home was that way. The black cat stole away where ever the night took her and came back to the apartment when she pleased.

Selina missed her cat dearly. And she wasn't sure if Bruce would appreciate her bringing home kittens. She figured that she was cat enough for Wayne Manor. Could she be at her apartment often enough to tend to a feline? A small one that would need her? Or should she find something bigger? More dangerous? It would be no danger to her, the feline would not harm her, but still. She craved one anyway, wether she could care for it properly or not.

Finally she made herself stand and pull away from the window. The mewling of the litter met her warmly but she couldn't. She wanted to, but she couldn't. Not yet. If she could take every single one of them, oh she would. Without a minute of hesitation. But they were better off here where they could be tended to. For now. She would come back for them later. Not too much later, but later still.