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February 21st, 2015

[info]chemical_sheds in [info]we_coexist

Mind Your Surroundings (Preston)

Three days had passed since Evey left the TARDIS and dinosaurs behind. The City was ever-changing, vast, and full of life. Evey thought she should be happy. She thought it was the appropriate response after leaving the wilderness. Instead, a yawning quiet blankness filled her. She'd made it her goal to learn as much about this place as she could, and that meant spending a lot of time at the City Library.

It was just as well; she had no other place to go, and it was easy enough at closing time to duck through the stacks and avoid the librarians until they left and she was alone. She slept in the lounge chairs at the very back of the library, so that it was easy for her to hide again when the lights came back on in the morning. And, when the doors unlocked again, she'd slip out unnoticed, find someone's laundry, visit the lake in the park, change... It was an easy life, and there was so much food around the City that none of it ever really was missed.

She knew how to live like this. She'd done it in London, after leaving V. She fell into the rhythm of it as if it were second nature. All the while, she carefully kept her thoughts shielded from Peter. She loved him. He was her best friend. But she couldn't bear to be around him. He was so damned happy, and so damned in love, and Leeloo loved him back. What that must feel like, to have someone like that... Someone who looked at you as if you were the whole of the world to them.

Evey buried herself in study of the City. She'd learned that people from other worlds were pulled here commonly, and that they were typically given a place to stay, led to the provisions that the City itself arranged... Assuming that the City hadn't done the same for her because of her own abilities, she didn't think much of it. By the third day in the Library, however, the librarians were beginning to get suspicious. "Research project," she'd supplied on the second day - and it seemed to hold for a while. But her welcome was very soon to be over.

Today, after having left the Library for what she imagined would be one of the last times, Evey walked a street quietly, not too fast, not too slow, head down, hands in pockets -- invisible. She was so very good at this. No one bothered to look at her, as she had made herself wholly unnoticeable. But she watched everything around her, from the corners of her eyes. Though it wouldn't have seemed like it, she was searching for something -- searching for another likely place to camp out for a few days, before moving on again.