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January 28th, 2015

[info]toopurrfect in [info]we_coexist

Wayne Manor: The key to Heaven (Narrative)

The hallways were dark. The place itself was cold and lifeless, as if it had sat abandoned for centuries though not an item nor a piece of furniture bore a speck of dust. It was almost as if the place itself idled in the very grasp of a moment, waiting for someone, anyone familiar, to retrace their steps and find it again. To free it.

To live in it.

Everything she saw was familiar to her. She knew if she continued down the dark hallway, the first door on the left was the dining room. The vast expanse of polished cherry wood greeted her from its spot in the shadows. The next room, the first door on the right across the hallway from the unused dining room, was a room full of art work and sculptures.

A theif's dream.

Selina had packed only necessities. A single bag full of clothes, shoes, toiletries. She wasn't sure how long it would take for her to wear out her welcome and her fear of becoming too settled seemed trivial. This place needed settling.

Finally she escaped the long, dark hallway and made her way upstairs. The master bedroom was the next destination and it greeted her as if she never left it. A draw back of the large velvet curtains and the sunshine poured into the room, illuminating everything it touched.

This was Heaven. This was home.

And here she was. She had made it, finally. Finally made it back home where she truly belonged.