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December 14th, 2013

[info]i_puzzle in [info]we_coexist

Christmas riddles...(Narrative; For Beauty)

Walking was...difficult. Trying. But Heaven. He finally had his independence back...or at least some of it. And he needed to walk. It helped nurse the atrophied muscles in his knee and leg from having even broken and in disuse for so long. He had his cane if he needed it, which he had chosen for this very occasion. Otherwise he was restricted to using a crutch, and where was the class in that? There wasn't any. It screamed 'cripple' and Eddie didn't want that image. At least not today.

No no, today was far more important. He had business.

Playing hooky from physical therapy was doing wonders for his ego that morning, despite it being earlier than most were even up. The sun had even yet to fathom touching the horizon, much less rising to make its presence known. That was the way Eddie wanted it, though. The darkness was doing him some good, and the brisk air was doing its job in keeping him focused.

Edward had dressed for the occasion, as minuscule as it might seem. It was important evening the intended didn't even get to see him in action. He didn't care. The point was what mattered.

Slowly Eddie trudged down the sidewalk, cane holding most of the weight of his still stiff limb. He was dressed in his favorite green suit, with the exception of the usual bowler's hat, and green matching shoes. Tucked into the breast pocket of his suit was the handkerchief Beauty had given him. It was folded delicately, the embroidered red roses visible over the top part of the pocket for all to see.

Tucked under a slender arm was an envelope. It was green, as usual, and bore a green, glittery question-mark symbol on the front. A clear message that he knew the smart woman would pick up on. He only hoped that once she opened it she would understand the gravity behind the gesture. Something Edward never did for anyone.

He reached Bookmark Books in the next moment, pausing to peer in through the door at the dark store. Offering the glass his signature smirk, the criminal pressed the envelope against the pane on the front door where it would be visible. Where Beauty would see it. Or perhaps the other that worked here, the male, would find it and get worked up. That was alright with Eddie too, despite the consequences.

With the task done, Edward turned on his heel, slowly, and departed back the way he had come. He left naught but the envelope for Beauty, and hoped...prayed she would understand.

The Envelope )