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July 18th, 2013

[info]i_fakeit in [info]we_coexist

Inspections (Baba)

As soon as Charlie left, Dexter knew that he was going to do something that he shouldn't. He set the facial recognition program to run on the Violetta murders, putting in the mathematical parameters to seek out the face that the victims matched, and left his lab. He locked the door to assure that nobody would go in there and interrupt the program, though that particular part of this quest was more than legal, and definitely sanctioned since it had been requested by a detective.

In his mind, he held the address to the most recent murder. Still closed off by the police as a crime scene, and out of bounds for him to enter since he didn't have the clearance yet that Charlie had promised him. This was not his case. He would get into a good deal of trouble if he was caught. That didn't even slow Dexter down, though.

He had not really hunted since he'd been in the City. He had let Effie go, which he shouldn't have done. Now nobody knew where she was. She'd escaped the jail somehow. Her cell was empty. There was an APB out on her, every cop in the City was keeping their eyes peeled. Dexter was regretting again that he hadn't killed her. Especially after the offer he'd made. That if she could detach herself from her father completely, he'd take her under his wing. So much for that.

Dexter entered the house by jumping over the back fence, and nudging open the basement window. He knew that the murder had occurred on a higher floor, but this way he wasn't breaking any crime scene tape, and any trace of himself would be easier to remove. One of the latex gloves he wore caught on a nail, so he had to take a moment to not only replace it, but clean up the powder and any hint of his skin cells that might have been exposed, but all in all, he was within the scene in a matter of minutes.

He moved slowly up the basement stares, checking for creaks before he let his full weight onto them. He didn't expect anybody to be in the house, but there was no reason to not be careful. He had syringes on him filled with his usual, just in case. He would give anybody within enough to make them think they'd fallen asleep while on guard duty, and nobody would ever know.

But the house was as empty as he had expected it to be when he opened the basement door. Dexter moved easier from there, and quicker. He found the room where the massacre had taken place, his eyes taking in the blood left behind.