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May 27th, 2013

[info]i_wearpink in [info]we_coexist

Again? (Dinah)

There were rules. Rules that kept the small vampire from misbehaving. Rules and spells really. They made sure the petite blond did nothing bad to the silly humans, especially the hunters. Of course, when they were outside the bar, far from the bar, nowhere near the bar, that was another story.

There had been a hunter who had seen fit to come after her and a possible playmate, outside the bar. As they were outside the bar, the hunter felt that he could attack. That or he was simply too stupid to realize that if he did not down the vampire and do it without anyone else knowing who had done it, he was going to be killed by said vampire's hand - somehow. He might have had a death wish.

Though, as she followed the idiot from the bar, slipping through the shadows with ease, she began to wonder if perhaps there weren't a better punishment. Turn the moron into a fangbanger? Her smile pulled even more as she did so like this idea.

Pam was about to make a man wish he had been killed the night he had been born. There was nothing like self-loathing to ruin a person's life.

"You really should have finished the job." She said softly as she moved quickly to catch the hunter's hand in a vice like grip and lead him to a near-by alley. "It would have saved you so much misery."