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September 20th, 2012

[info]i_changelanes in [info]we_coexist

Night's End (Lindsey)

Takes place just after this

The night had gone very well in Lois's opinion. She'd gotten some good quotes and just enough backstory to keep things interesting in regards to the opening of the opera house. The article was still leaning toward puff piece, but Lois supposed that every reporter had to pay their dues on that sometime.

And besides, she'd had a fantastic night. The opera truly had lived up to the expectations and it had been... nice to be out with someone when it wasn't strictly business. Sure, she was there in a professional capacity. But Lindsey had been there as her date-or escort, or whatever the proper term was. It had been nice to have that. Nice to have someone to dance with and talk to. So far during her time in the City, she hadn't exactly made any friends. That wasn't new to Lois-she could be a little bit abrasive and with her line of work, friends usually didn't come easy. All the same, she wasn't hating the time spent with Lindsey.

Then again, Lois did have a knack for finding men who could be trouble. She hadn't forgotten Lorne's warning, nor would she just ignore it. She just knew that she couldn't live her life in fear of things that might or might not happen. And maybe that was part of what was attracting her to Lindsey-that mystery. She definitely didn't know the whole story and she couldn't help but wonder-it was in her nature to wonder. Maybe spending time with him wouldn't get her answers and she valued the new friendship (or whatever else it might be) too much to press too hard. All the same, she couldn't help but want to solve the mystery surrounding the lawyer.

"This is my place," she said as Lindsey's truck turned down the street where her apartment was.