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May 16th, 2012

[info]braver in [info]we_coexist

Like Wonder Woman? (Dinah)

The City was back to it's old self. That made Brennan feel a little better. She still needed to get in touch with a couple of detectives to really get the ball rolling on the murders that were occuring and see what she could do to get them solved. She really had no doubt that she could do it. She couldn't think of a single case that she had failed to crack. She'd had help, though... She could only hope the City had competent people who could assist her.

Before she'd met Booth, she had been trained in several types of martial arts, had a hunting license and had the ability to carry a gun. But that was five years ago. Her judo and karate were rusty and she didn't have a gun. She'd let Booth protect her for too long, and now she just wasn't up to par.

She wasn't thinking about that, at least not until she took a turn down a dark alley and a shady looking man stepped out in front of her. It was dark, and she knew better than to walk alone in dark places like this. But with the streets moving again, she was just trying to find her way home from the Lab.

She paused and thought about going back when he rushed her and grabbed her arms, pinning her against the building she was closest to. She gasped and anger instantly washed over her features. She struggled, but he was strong and he was close enough, leaning against her, that she couldn't use her knee as a weapon.

"LET ME GO!" She yelled, hoping that someone near by would hear her and distract him enough that she could nail him in the nuts.

[info]i_figure in [info]we_coexist

Curiosity (Errol)

Fred felt a little more relaxed. She did her best to avoid the theater, hoping to keep from bumping into the second Eric or Erik or Erich...that name really wasn't her friend at the moment, even if she'd only met two in the City so far. She was curious, which was certainly her downfall; she knew curiosity did kill this particular Fred shaped kitty, and she had to work to keep from letting it do so again. She was curious about the dancing, yet she knew that she could find the truth some other way.

She hadn't any real direction for this particular jaunt. She had considered going to see Annie to show off the tablet she'd been allowed to keep, but the City didn't seem that interested in letting her. Then again, she wasn't trying too hard to get there. She held the tablet close to her, much like she had her clipboard before it. Now, she just walked along, smiling to herself.

Now if she could avoid the crazy. Maybe something a little more comforting?

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