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May 15th, 2012

[info]i_shotanarrow in [info]we_coexist

Target Practice (OPEN)

Oliver had followed the headlines surrounding the appearance of the genius loci of The City. Thomas. He'd never heard of such a being before, but if the City was sentient, why shouldn't it be able to manifest a human personification for itself? Like a space ship's holographic AI, or enchanted castles in science fiction and fantasy. It explained some things, and stirred up plenty of additional questions--but the whys and wherefores of The City weren't really the foremost question on his mind.

The question that was front and center for him was how to keep the League united, so that they could work together to protect the people of the city. How not to cripple themselves by putting themselves at odds with the local law enforcement. How to pull in people that would strengthen the group as a whole. How to cover for each others' weaknesses. It was a lot like overseeing the HR department of Queen Indistries.

Whenever Ollie found himself puzzling over a particular challenge, whether it was League or business related, he always found that he thought more clearly when he put in a little target practice. It was like meditation for him. Helped him focus, and stay on target--in more ways than one. So come noonish, he called it a half-day and clocked out early to hit the range.

Or at least that's what he intended to do, barring any unforeseen circumstances.