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August 28th, 2011

[info]i_meow in [info]we_coexist

Mending Old Friends [Open]

Jake was still reeling a bit from the events surrounding the werewolf. But, as a space traveling feline, he had a high tolerance for the peculiar and the bizarre. And since cats were not opt to complain, he didn't. Instead, he went about focusing on his work, something he hadn't done in a long time. When he came upon his spaceship, not so subtly hidden on the edge of the park, he noted that it was overgrown with weeds and bushes. That made him a little bit sad. How easily he had accustomed himself to The City. How quickly he had adapted and accepted it as his home. He wasn't ashamed. After all, he had no means of escape (and neither did anyone else.) At least, no knowing means of escape. And so it was natural to find a niche for himself. (To stave off madness and despair.) And he had Lucy-Belle now. And she was a brightness in what little darkness he had found in The City.

He climbed up onto his ship and began brushing off leaves and twigs, exposing the once-shiny silver metal to the sunlight. If he could have, he would have frowned. He hadn't taken care of his ship very well, had he? He should have shown it better care, even if it was permanently grounded.

"I'm sorry, old friend," he whispered, picking up a twig between his teeth and tossing it to the ground.

He walked delicately over the ship's curved surface. A task that would have been impossible were it not for the assistance of his collar. Once on the very top of his ship, he pressed his paw against the peculiar alien markings in a secret pattern known only to ship pilots. A small hatch popped open, revealing an outer control panel.

He needed no tools. Instead, he used his telekinetic abilities to work through the wires and computer circuitry.

Maybe today he would fix something. Or, at the very least, maybe he'd manage to get the ship off the ground so he could take Lucy-Belle for a ride across The City ceiling, watching the moving buildings from above. Or, if nothing else, maybe he would just enjoy a sunny day and a bit of mental preoccupation.