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August 16th, 2011

[info]cowboy_god in [info]we_coexist

Play! (Zoe)

Jesse went home directly after his conversation with Dr Hank the polar bear. He didn't want to be in public when he changed, if it was going to happen. If he became something vicious and didn't have his own mind at first, he didn't want to hurt anybody. Even though Hank had seemed perfectly in control of himself, minus that talking bit, Jesse couldn't be certain that he would react the same way.

Of course, being who and what he was, he could likely stop all of it before it even happened, but he discovered that he sort of wanted to change into something else. He wanted to know what it was like. On top of that, he was curious to see what he was going to change into. Did the City pick the animal? Was it related to who he was as a person? If that was the case, then what did being a polar bear say about the doctor? Or was it all random?

It didn't really take long for him to find out. Jesse changed within the hour. It hurt, as Hank had warned him. But much worse than he'd been expecting. He supposed he'd imagined a slight discomfort, but this was like every inch of him was in extreme pain for a few moments. Moments that felt like hours. Then he was swamped in his own clothing and a good deal closer to the floor. He walked around the apartment a bit, getting used to the new form, realizing that he was a dog, before going into the bathroom and jumping up on the counter to see into the mirror.

He grinned at himself. The mottled black and tan coat. The blue eye and the brown eye gazing back at him. He supposed being a mutt was pretty fitting. He would have had a dog like this growing up, if the ancient hag Marie had allowed such a thing, or if his parents had lived and found a way out of that place. This was the kind of dog every boy dreamed of. A playful, happy looking animal.

There was an urge that he found familiar, and he went to satisfy it, but rememebered moments into the act that he no longer had pockets, or hands, which meant no smokes. No smoking. That was a bit of a downer.

Well, he'd just have to find something to occupy his time with, then.

After wrestling with the knob on the front door for a while, Jesse managed to get out of his condo, down the elevator, and out the front door with a strange look from the front desk girl and the doorman.

Running, tongue lolling out, Jesse ran to find the first person he thought of.

[info]i_cast in [info]we_coexist

Said one angry bird to another...(narrative)

"Get off my car, you damn bird!"

"That is not yours!"

"Shit, watch out! It's angry!"

"But that is not....argh!"

"Call a medic!"

"Call a priest!"

"Call mother loving KFC!"

After her visit with the doctor turned polar bear, the crone thought it was wise to finally check in on her wayward cabin. She'd gone to the Park and was a little surprised to not see anything resembling a rather large chicken, or even a cabin with chicken legs. No, all she saw were animals chasing humans, humans chasing animals, animals chasing animals, and a whole lot of large chicken legless Park. Had the damn thing actually left the Park? )