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February 8th, 2011

[info]i_diedtwice in [info]we_coexist

Let's play doctor! [Buffy/John, TBC in comments]

(Takes place shortly after this.)

After the Doctor left, Buffy helped herself to the Magic Box’s first aid kit, which was exactly where she remembered it. There wasn’t much she could do besides cover it with a basic dressing. What do you put on a burn caused by an energy beam from an alien robot? With her arm down carefully to conceal the damage, she hobbled towards home. She did not, however, conceal the small curved cut above her left brow.

On the way she sent John a text: you busy?

Buffy could count the number of times she’d faced a villain that had given her similar (temporary) battle wounds. The Master, Adam, Faith, Glory-- maybe a few others. That was about it. It was a pretty short list.

Had she known that only moments earlier John had been strapped to an insane machine that nearly killed him, the slayer would have left him alone. )

[info]i_keptmyaccent in [info]we_coexist

Running on empty. [Fred]

Amy had been in The City for days now. That alone wouldn't have bothered her except...

Well, she needed money and a place to stay. If The Doctor was going to rescue her why hadn't he shown himself by now? Why hadn't he gone back through time and left her with helpful notes or money? No one told her to come along. Not once. Sure, she'd met a few people who were helpful-- some more sympathetic than others-- but everything she'd learned so far.

...What if she was trapped in a vortex? What if the TARDIS fell into a vortex and now the Doctor was trapped in Colchester, her time? Amy was afraid though she wasn't sure if it was for herself or the Doctor. Would he have to live the rest of his life pretending to be human? It wouldn't be a terrible loss for herself. Amy didn't leave anyone behind, really. No real family to speak of. A few friends. She could start over here. As far as vortexes went she could have ended up somewhere far worse.

Sitting at the front counter in Dur Waffle House it took Amy a few moments to realize the waitress had been waiting for an order.

"I'll take the banana split waffle," she finally spoke, sheepishly. The irony being that Amy was going to have to figure out how to run when it came time to paying the bill. She'd checked her pockets. No cash to speak of and the currency wouldn't have been any good here. She didn't fancy sleeping on park benches, either.

What if she had to go back to earning her keep as a kiss-o-gram?

She didn't even have the police girl outfit anymore. Or the nun's.

Amy Pond was too hungry and tired to think but at least there would be waffles.