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Feb. 20th, 2009


Survival. Not just for mountain men anymore.

Who: Alex and Jasper
What: A late-afternoon Finding!
Where: The field? Just like everyone else.
When: Afternoon.
Rating: PG for strong language that is strong.

Pull your emergency GPS locator. See what doesn't come for us. )

Feb. 18th, 2009


Fortunate Discoveries

Who: Helena and OPEN
When: Late afternoon
Where: In one of the deeper bathing pools, further from the tree than she usually hangs out.
What: Bath time - and a new plant discovered!
Rating: PG (nude bathing?)

Privacy, A Rare Thing )

Feb. 17th, 2009


Open to no more than two because Ari has issues with group threads.

Who: Kenneth and ??
Where: Heading out of camp toward the tree he'd stashed his pack in.
When: Day 7 after Arlo
What: Scavenger hunt ahoy
Rating: Unknown
Warnings: none yet

Kenneth had left Arlo to his bow making and was focused now on getting his gear back. He'd filled the silicone pot with water and returned to the camp, putting whatever meat was left into it and setting it near the coals edge of the fire where it would cook the meat slowly, but not burn a hole in the bottom of the pot. Just as he was finishing up, he saw Rowan walking by. He'd heard there was a pregnant woman there. It brought back a lot of memories, most of them painful. How was she going to get getting enough to eat?

He put one of the chunks of meat onto a hardened climber vine and walked over to her along with a few of the bones from his pack. His wife had gone absolutely nuts for anything with calcium in her last trimester.

That accomplished he headed toward the tree he'd stashed his pack in, wondering who was going to join him.


Thorne and Ryan meet again

Who: Ryan and Thorne
Where: near the climber tree
When: early evening
What: Discussing fishing nets and talk of grazers.
Rating: PG?

Thorne is eager to talk to Ryan again )


Special delivery!

Who: Rowan and Thorne
When: Day 7 Afternoon
What: Special delivery
Rating: G?
Warnings: None

Thorne had spent the walk back from the Eastern grassland separating the kernals of "wheat" from the chaff and putting them into a pouch he'd made from taking two large climber tree leaves and "sewing" them together with some pulled up blades of grass. By the time they'd gotten back, he'd gathered quite a pouch of them and was grinning at the thought of giving them to Rowan. Hopefully it would help with her grain craving, although he was fairly sure it was some sort of nutrient in the grain that she was truly craving.

He'd told Helena the good news, heard about the new people and then gotten distracted telling Kenneth about the grazers as well...since he had a gun and a gun would be MUCH better for being able to take down one of the creatures. Even though it saddened him a lot to think about killing them, Thorne was practical enough to know that it was neccessary that they get some protein, especially for Rowan. By the time he and Kenneth had finished planning, the laughers were coming and Thorne'd had to head up into the trees.

The next morning though, right after checking on Quinn, he went in search of Rowan, pouch of grain kernals in hand.


Tending to Quinn

Who: Quinn and Thorne
When: Early on Day 7
Where: The tree
What: checking on Quinn's wounds
Rating: PG?
Warnings: None

Thorne still had his few precious vials of homeopathy left and knowing that they hadn't had nearly enough time to find medicinals here. He moved to Quinn's side and knelt down next to him. "Hey...I'm Dr. Baker. I thought if you didn't mind, I'd take a look and see how you're doing?" He'd heard that Quinn had already been treated at a hospital, which was fortunate and that Jeri, whom he really needed to talk to, had already seen to him as well, but Thorne couldn't possibly resist the compulsion to check for himself.


Debriefing Arlo

Who: Arlo and Kenneth
When: Morning Day 7 during services
What: Talk about what his group found
Where: A little ways from camp where Arlo is trying to make a bow.
Rating: R it's least that for swearing
Warnings: None that I know of...yet

Kenneth was awake before dawn and watched the laughers as they faded into the darkness before climbing down from his tree. He'd stayed in one on his own about a mile from the camp so he could watch the behavior of the animals before deciding if killing them would be of any use. They were covered in a thick black fur and so he'd decided if nothing else at least that would be useful. It had only taken three shots to take the animal down and several of the others has pounced on the body. Apparently they weren't adverse to carrion after all.

Once they'd left, Kenneth dropped out of the tree and quickly dressed what was left of the animal, taking what portions of meat would be edible as well as the skin and several of the larger bones. Fortunately the laughers had gone for the organs and fat, leaving some larger portions of meat. Aware that not everyone had strong stomachs, he cleaned his hands, the skin and his knife in the stream before walking back to camp. He left the meat on clean leaves by the fire for anyone that might come by and want some then went in search of Arlo to discuss what his group had seen on their search.

Feb. 16th, 2009


Treasure Hunt

Who: Ryan
When: Day 7; 11:00 a.m.
Where: The climber tree
What: pesk nest raiding!
Rating: G

a boy's adventure tale )


I'm not a bird. I don't belong in trees.

Who: Olivia & Arlo
When: Day 7 - evening
Where: The climber tree
What: Finding a spot to sleep
Rating: PG-13 (for language, mention of self harm)

Feb. 15th, 2009


Scrambled, Fried, Sunny Side Up...

Who: Cross and Helena
Where: In the field beside the stream
What: Apparently, Pesk eggs are for eating.
When: High noon

How Do Ya Like 'Em? )


Who: Payne and Clay
When: Day 7, late evening
Where: in camp or thereabouts
What: So how was your day?
Rating: Just the usual PG-13 for language at this point.
Warning: Discussion of the dead child found by the Southern Expedition on Day 6.

In this entire weird-ass purple-tinted landscape, a girl named Pain was about as close to normal as you could get. )

Feb. 13th, 2009



Who: Rowan and Ryan
Where: the edge of the forest, to start
When: morning, after the service
Rating: PG (mild language)

Ryan had waited until the majority of people who'd come to Father Alex's service had dispersed before he got up. He figured the last thing anyone would want was for him to trip over anyone else. It wasn't like he had an appointment to get to, anyway, so he sat and chilled, wondering idly what his roommates thought about his sudden disappearance. He was assuming he'd disappeared. Anything else he didn't want to think about, since that'd be a metaphysical nightmare of epic proportions.

Finally he hauled himself off the ground and began making his way back in the general direction of camp before changing his mind and veering off to the north slightly. He was hungry and he had hopes he could find some berries or something. Carefully he investigated the nearest bush with his fingers and found it to be berryless, then moved to the next one, hating to think about the state of his socks. He was grateful to have them, but he really would like to find a way to wash them out soon.

why are we here? )


Meredith's Arrival

Who: Meredith & Cross
When: Day 7 - dawn/early morning
Where: The field
What: Waking up
Rating: PG


Who: Nancy and Open
Where: Along the river nearing the campsite
When: Noon

Nancy had been here for a few days. She had been wandering around by herself in every direction. Most of the time she was talking to herself to keep herself sane. When she first got here she thought maybe she had been kidnapped but the lack of people set that thought aside quickly. The next day she thought that perhaps she was on drugs. The third day she accepted this as a reality and decided she’d go with the flow. Nancy hadn’t had much sleep in the nights that she had been here. There were always noises keeping her up and unusually on edge.

Food hadn’t been an issue for her the first day. The second she was wondering what could be eaten. At one point, wandering quite aimlessly in the forest she came across the bloodfruit. First she was terrified. She had thought someone was murdered. After a moment or so of inspection she determined that it wasn’t really blood. For her third day, today, she followed after the sound of water. It made sense to her that where there was water there had to be some sort of vegetation growing, maybe something else she could eat, and maybe some fish in the water.

Embracing the wilderness Nancy had picked flowers along the way and put them in her hair. Going along the water she picked at the Citruscress much like she would if she were chewing on sour weeds. She even rubbed a bit of it behind her ears and on her wrists because she liked the smell. Of course she took time to drink some water, hoping that as long as the water was flowing she’d be safe and wouldn’t get sick. It was a chance she was willing to take though. Nancy wanted to repress the thought of death for as long as she could.


And on the Seventh Day They Rested

Who: Alex & Open (try to comment at least once just so I know who was there)
Where: Edge of the forest
When: Day 7, morning

...if you'd prefer a lecture, I've a few very catchy ones prepped...sin and hellfire... one has lepers. )


Day Seven - The Plight Of The Pesks

Day Seven dawned much the way that all of the previous days have. Gray and thick with mist. The difference today is that, while the mugginess isn't that much thicker than usual, there's almost a taste in the air. It's heavy, and there is the hushed sense that the forest is waiting for something. It's very still. Those who are sensitive to pressure migraines find themselves aflicted. Those who feel the pressure changes in their old broken bones or arthritis feel it today. The whole place has a sense of expectancy and it can't help but affect the society of arrivals.

As the usual hustle and bustle of the morning starts to shake people out of their tree there are two topics of conversation to be overheard around the trunk. The first is that Father Alex plans to hold the first mass in this world - the Seventh Day seems appropriate, after all. All who wish to listen are encouraged to join him at the decided spot.

The second is a pick-up conversation between Helena and the colonel. They fall into a discussion about the lost contents of his pack. There's no question that the items that the Pesks stole from him would be valuable and useful for the small troop of maroons. Kenneth is determined to search the northern forest for his lost property. Anyone is welcome to come along or launch their own searches of the Pesk nests. Who knows what might be found?

Mod Notes - Please Read )