May. 14th, 2010


Date last posted: Never
Name of the Game: The Hollows
Format: Journals/Threads/Logs
Genre: Supernatural/Horror/Original Character/City-Based
Contact info: Mod Contact Post
Premise Summary: The Hollows is an original character supernatural RPG that takes place in an alternate universe present day. The game is based on the The Hollows book series by Kim Harrison, though some changes have been made to adapt it to this game. The RPG, which is both plot and character driven, takes place in the city of Cincinnati. Humans and Supernaturals live side by side, some more peacefully than others.
Age limit: None
Starting date: 28 May 2010
Other details: None
More details )

Feb. 26th, 2010


Invisus: A Supernatural RPG

Date last posted: never
Name of the Game: Invisus
Format: Journal/Threads
Genre: Supernatural/Original/Fantasy
Contact info: Mod Contact
Premise Summary: God is missing. Power corrupts even the holy. The gates of hell have been opened, and the angels alone cannot stop the outpouring of demons. Earth, God's greatest creation, is changing.
Age limit: 18+
Starting date: February 26
Other details: More details )

Aug. 16th, 2009


Fallen Pedestals

Date last posted: First time
Name of the Game: Fallen Pedestals
Format: Journals/threads
Genre: Fantasy, Mythology, Supernatural
Contact info: cinnamontwists[@]hotmail[.]co[.]uk
Premise Summary: Fallen Pedestals is a journal-based game in which the characters of Greek Mythology (be they God, Mortal, Nymph, Monster, etc.) are plucked out of their time by a vengeful Cronus, stripped of their powers, and tossed into the streets of present-day Manhattan to live. Or rather, attempt to. Situated in one apartment complex, the former deities and/or heroes (etc.) occasionally find themselves cursed by the angry Titan in addition to continually being plagued by today's society and each other.
Age limit: Recommended 17+
Starting date: January 1, 2009
Other details: Wanted List
More details )

Aug. 24th, 2009


Alternate University - Original Characters, Shifting Genres

Date last posted: First Time Posting
Name of the Game: Alternate University
Format: IJ, thread-based
Genre: Multiple (the genre changes monthly)
Contact info:
Premise Summary: When an experiement goes wrong below a Verne Hall the professors and college students are sucked into an alternate universe. Now they have to struggle to adapt as their world keeps changing beyond their dreams.
Age limit: 18+ please
Starting date: September 12, 2009 or 12 characters
Other details: players can vote each month on which genre they want the game to move into but this is not a panfandom game. The genres are broad (Old South, Space Opera, Pirates, etc.)
More details )

Aug. 23rd, 2008


Glowdrift Orison

Date last posted: First time post.
Name of the Game: Glowdrift Orison
Format: Forum; proboards
Genre: Original; supernatural; fantasy-ish
Contact info: Email:
Premise Summary: Set in an world conjured from scratch from terrain to religion, the RPG takes place in a time surrounding the revival, rather, reincarnation of twelve divine beings said to have been involved in the origins of the world and man kind. Long story short, crisis is on the way, and the chosen heirs to the original scions are forced to embark on some wacky, likely truamatizing endeavor to prevent total collapse of reality itself. Certainly, there's more to it than that, but you can delve into that when scoping the site.
Age limit: We're open; we'll take anyone who can write and think at a level of maturity and skill comprable-at least on a comprehensive level-to that of the rpg's site/character bios.
Starting date: As soon as we fill the last remaining slots for the Aurelus and Lucerna.
Other details:
More details )

Aug. 1st, 2008


Forgotten Gods

Date last posted: Never
Name of the Game: Forgotten Gods
Format: Thread (AIM logging is welcome, but optional)
Genre: Mythology, supernatural, modern.
Contact info: [info]forgotten_mods, forgotten.mods [at]
Premise Summary: Follows the lives of old deities and mythological figures, brought to the New World long ago in the minds of explorers or immigrants from their homelands and gradually abandoned. Without their worshippers they're left weakened, forced to eke out an existence in a modern-day America with little respect for the old ways and obsessed by the powerful New Gods of technology and popular culture.
Age limit: There's no official limit currently, but be aware that the game does contain mature themes.
Starting date: We opened a little under three months ago.
Other details: We've a wishlist of deities we'd love to see in the game here.
More details )

Jul. 17th, 2008


Annex Destiny;; an original rpg

Date last posted: Never
Name of the Game: Annex Destiny
Format: Journal
Genre: Original, Supernatural
Contact info: annex destiny mods or
Premise Summary: The modern world knows lycans as the monsters from big screen horrors and paperback novels. The old gods no longer gather much attention and the night is lit up so brightly by cities that sometimes the full moon can’t even be seen. But there are those, the descendents of those first lycans who feel it, and are subject to the pain of its influence, and who still hate humans and thirst for their blood. Violent murders. Missing people. Dismembered bodies. All acts of the lycans who even still thrive, hidden in the modern world. But there are those dedicated to hunting and destroying this threat. Hunters and Slayers, skilled in waring with the supernatural, and the descendent of the bound shapeshifters known as amoveis and the humans they serve, known as tamers.
Age limit: 17+
Starting date: Monday, July 21st
Other details: More details )

Jun. 26th, 2008


Nightworld RPG

Date last posted: First post
Name of the Game: The Night World
Format: Journal threads and AIM
Genre: Supernatural / L.J. Smith verse.
Contact info: The Nightworld Mod - Click Link
Premise Summary: Vampires, witches and shapeshifters have existed since the dawn of evolution, but only recently have they stayed in the shadows, with normal jobs, normal cars, normal families. Hundreds, even thousands, of years ago, these supernatural beings ruled over humans with an iron fist, feeding off humans, making them servants and slaves. It all stopped abruptly several hundred years ago. Since then, members of the Night World have lived alongside humans, but never revealed themselves to the human race as an individual or whole-- the first rule of the Night World is that you can never tell a human about it. You certainly can't use your powers to dominate humans, like in the old days. But some want that way of life back. Unfortunately, there are some hitches-- the biggest being Soulmates, the existence of what's called a "silver cord" that links two people together, binding them forever. It's a love thing, and there are no boundaries for soulmates-- they can exist between humans and vampires, or vampires and witches, or shapeshifters and zookeepers. There are no boundaries and this causes some serious problems for members of Circle Midnight who happen to discover they have a human soulmate. Many of them defect to Circle Daybreak.

The Night World exists alongside the day world, the world of humans. Most witches, shapeshifters and vampires have a brilliant facade in place-- for example, the vampire psychiatrist who can feed on his patients after hypnotizing them as part of "therapy", or the exotic dancer who seduces men and takes them for more than just a ride. But while the Night World seems to exist alongside humans, there are certain places-- clubs like the Black Iris, for instance-- only members of the Night World know about. Certain rituals and ceremonies the witches are present for, out in the desert every year. There are symbols of the Night World that each member wears-- black flowers like irises, roses, dahlias, and others that Night World members have as a decal on their car, a pair of earrings, a drawing on a notebook in a schoolroom. There is a High Council of Witches, and one of Vampires, and another of Shapeshifters. An entire society of people pretending to be something they aren't.
Age limit: N/A
Starting date: It’s already started
Other details:
Taken/Wanted Characters
Taken PBs

Jun. 17th, 2008


Boca de Inferno | A Buffy, Smallville, Supernatural Crossover RPG

Date last posted: First time.
Name of the Game: Boca De Inferno: A Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Smallville Crossover RPG
Format: AIM and Journal on IJ.
Genre: Horror/Supernatural.
Contact info: PM the mod @ [info]theptb.
Premise Summary: Sunnydale, California. A town that was, according to its residents, notorious for being a little...strange. It all started in 1989 when the town fell victim to, of all things, a rain of fire -- a meteor shower. The town was devestated. So many lives were lost, homes destroyed, and soon, Sunnydale became known as the meteor capital of the world. A shadow seemed to envelop the tiny town. Whispers of strange disappearances, disturbing murders, and questionable establishments have been spreading across the town. Something was coming. Everyone could feel it.

Welcome to Sunnydale, the town where nothing is ever as it seems. Let's hope you don't get eaten alive.
Age limit: 16+
Starting date: June 16, 2008
Other details: AVAILABLE</font> angel, drusilla, lorne, spike, bart allen, allan francis doyle, whitney fordman, rupert giles, ellen harvelle, lois lane, jonathan levinson, harmony kendall, jonathon kent, martha kent, lindsey mcDonald, warren mears, lilah morgan, jimmy olsen, daniel osborne, oliver queen, pete ross, chloe sullivan, joyce summers, andrew wells, dean winchester, john winchester



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