Nov. 12th, 2009


Round Nine Fic Master List

We ended up with a grand total of 57 fics across 41 fandoms (five of which were crossovers). Thank you so much to everyone involved for participating in this round's Porn Battle!

The fics! )


That's the end!

Round Nine of Porn Battle is now closed! Thank you all for participating.

The list of stories will be collected and posted in the morning.

Nov. 11th, 2009


Last Day!

Today's the last day to porn! So let's get it out of our system in a sweaty, heaving, writhing mess of pornification, and enjoy ourselves!

The battle ends tonight at Midnight EST. I'll accept prompts that come in for about half an hour afterward if it's obvious they're timing mistakes, but after that, that's it.

Let's get writing!

Nov. 4th, 2009


Prompts W-Z, Crossovers, RPF

Prompts W-Z, Crossovers, RPF )


Prompts Q-V

Prompts Q-V )


Prompts K-P

Prompt K-P )


Prompts E-J

Prompts E-J )


Prompts 0-9, Symbols, A-D

Welcome to Round Nine of Porn Battle! This will run until midnight EST on November 11th. Please remember to post the prompt as the subject title of your post, and if the story exceeds the length of one post, make the second as a reply to the first part. Happy porning!

Prompts 0-9, Symbols, A-D )



Thank y'all so much for all the great prompts!

Now I need to finish putting them in order, then I'll send them over to be posted.

See you soon!

Nov. 1st, 2009



(updated 10:28am: some fandoms don't need entire names)
(Updated 5:35am Nov 2: Sorry, me + muscle relaxants = x_x)

Couple of things to read before you post:

1) PLEASE spell out your fandom completely and characters correctly. There's a very good chance I won't know them.

2) PLEASE use proper capitalization and number notation (roman numerals for the most part).

Things that don't conform to the above will make me cranky, and you will likely end up with your prompts ignored.

I will stop taking prompts after I wake up Wednesday November 4th, which is usually 5:30am-ish EDT. Then they'll be sorted and posted by the other co-mod for you to write on.


Oct. 29th, 2009



Starting November 1st, the next round of Porn Battles will start. Once again we will ask for your prompts to be thrown out there for smutty minds to snap up and churn out porny gems for everyone's enjoyment.

SO start writing those prompts out, find a few from previous battles that you want to see written and throw them up.

Remember, all prompts in the top comment slot so they'll be found. If you think of some after you've posted, then post again. There's nothing that says you can only post once. In fact, we'll love you more if you post more.