September 14th, 2008

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

Porn Battle 5: Prompt Post

Okay, as I mentioned, there are some new things we're trying out. Let me stress again that we're not doing any of this to be jerks; we want to make the battle run as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

  • Again, the most important is the formatting, and really, there is no change in the formatting, it's just that we're enforcing the original rules. As I said, we have our reasons for doing it this way and we're sorry if it's an inconvenience. These are the formatting rules and if your prompt doesn't follow them, it will not appear on the list:
    Fandom, Pairing, prompt word, lyric/phrase (optional)

    Use commas to separate each element. Not en or em dashes! Not colons! Not semi colons! Commas.

    Use the full name of the fandom. No abbreviations with the following exception:

    Because the games are listed this way, Final Fantasy prompts will be as follows, using the Roman numerals: Final Fantasy VII. Not Final Fantasy 7, or Final Fantasy Seven, or FF VII.

    If there's a "The" in the title, we'll use it. So it's "The Chronicles of Narnia". Not Chronicles of Narnia or Narnia. We know that this is not common alphabetizing practice, but using the full name of each and every fandom makes it easier for everyone involved. It's easier for us because we only have to sort things once and it's easier for you because you'll know exactly where to go to find any given fandom.

    Each prompt must be separate. If you have a fandom and a pairing and then six different prompt words for that pairing, post them as six different prompts instead of combining them all on one line.

  • The other thing we'll be doing, hopefully with your help, is separating the prompts into five categories. Because we're posting the prompt list off-site, we'll have more room to play with and so we thought it would make it easier for people to find a specific fandom if we did it this way. And if you want to just shop for interesting prompts, you'll have smaller lists to go through.

    The five categories are:

    Anime/Manga/Eastern Media -- pretty self-explanatory really. Please note that J-Pop RPS doesn't go in here; the "eastern media" bit is for things like Japanese drama shows or Hong Kong action flicks and so on.

    Crossover -- again, pretty obvious. Under this system, you no longer need to put "crossover" in front of a crossover prompt.

    RPF -- As I said above, all RPF goes here.

    Video Games -- Any video games, Western or Eastern, go here.

    Western Media -- yet again, self-explanatory.

    When you post your prompts, we'd like you to tell us which categories they fall into. Since this is a new thing, we're not going to drop your prompts if you forget, but we really do think that this will make it easier for everyone to find prompts once the prompt list goes live.

    You can post in two ways.

    1. Separate top level comments. Say you have anime, video game and RPF prompts. You post each group in its own top level comment, listing the category in the comment subject header or in the body of the comment above the list of prompts.

    2. Everything in one top level comment (if it fits). Example:


    Princess Princess, Mikoto/Toru/Yuujiro, velvet
    Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed/Roy, head games


    Stargate: Atlantis/RPS, John/Jason Momoa, learning to fly
    Final Fantasy VIII/Supernatural, Irvine/Sam, gun oil


    RPF (music), Frank Iero/Gerard Way, being easy isn't pretty
    RPF (actor), Jude Law/Ewan McGregor, domesticity
    RPF (sports), Evan Lysacek/Johnny Weir, sit-spin
    RPF (other), Barack Obama/Keith Olbermann, mutual admiration

    Video games:

    Guild Wars, Varesh/Kormir, reconciliation
    Final Fantasy VIII, Irvine/Squall, hunger

    Western media:

    Smallville, Lana/Lex, acrimony
    Stargate: Atlantis, Elizabeth/Teyla, negotiations
    Supernatural, Dean/Sam, carwash

    Yes, this is a big change, but it's one we've been pondering since sometime after the second battle and we really hope it'll make things easier for everyone involved in the Battle.

  • Finally, we've decided to not try to close the barn door after the horses here with regards to the length of the porn. If you want to go longer than a single comment allows, knock yourself out. :) Just be sure to post the first part as a top level comment and then the other parts in reply to that comment.

    I know this seems like a lot to throw at people, but if you break it down, the big change is the category thing and we've tried to make that as easy as possible.

    Sooooo...prompts go here!

    Bring 'em on!

    As of now--4:30 am PST Wednesday--the prompt post is closed. We'll have links to the lists up tomorrow, if not earlier. Remember, there's nothing to stop you from starting to write, right now. :)