January 14th, 2008

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

Stories, Stats and Thanks!

I'd say that with forty-one stories by eighteen writers in nineteen fandoms we can call Round One of the Porn Battle a success! Yays! *\0/*

The three top fandoms were Stargate (SGA & SG1), RPF and Final Fantasy (all versions). The three most prolific writers were...um...well, two of your mods--[info]helens78 and [info]telesilla--and [info]rosehiptea and [info]lisaroquin (tied). Below is a list of links to the stories sorted by fandom and then more stats for those who are interested in the nitpicky details.

You are now welcome to post your stories wherever you like. I'd appreciate a link back or at least a mention of the comm because it's only fair to the people who offered the prompts and also because I'd like to get the word out about the comm so that next time we have more prompts, more writers and more stories.

I'll be putting up a post with the dates and our plans for the next round shortly and in that post, I'll ask for suggestions and feedback on the actual mechanics of the porn battle process.

I'd like to thank everyone who offered up prompts, everyone who wrote, [info]helens78 and [info]salixbabylon for all their help, and [info]darkrose for listening to me go on about it.

The stories! )
the stats )

Seriously, you all rock!

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

Quo Vadis, Porn Battle?

So, where do we go from here?

Porn Battle Round Two Electric Bugaloo will begin on Feb. 18. The dates are as follows: Feb 18-20 for the prompts and Feb. 21-25 for the writing.

We pondered doing a battle every month but worried that people might burn out. Since we did want to keep some kind of momentum, we settled on running one every six weeks.

The other thing we kicked around was what to do with the unfulfilled prompts. In the end, we decided that it's far easier for us to not carry unused prompts over. However, because we know that people might have wanted to write to a specific prompt but didn't have the time, or really hoped that someone would pick up on a prompt they left, we have no problem with people resubmitting prompts. You don't even have to be the person who left the prompt in the first place; it'll be easy enough for us to weed out duplicates.

Also, if a prompt really grabbed your attention and you ended up writing something longer than 4300 characters, it's perfect okay for you to post the fic elsewhere. Again, I'd appreciate if you linked back to the comm or at least explained where your prompt came from.

Finally, here's where I ask for feedback and suggestions for next time. Obviously there were a few bugs in the system and I apologize again for the prompts that didn't make it on the list immediately. Other than that though, was there anything you think could have been done differently?

Thanks again for playing along!