Feb. 2nd, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 007, Operation: Red Horizon]

[0700 hours]

Spider-Man fucking captured and taken hostage. Possibly dead. Motherfuck. Takign a small strike force and going after him. If I don't make it back, the pilots are instructed to vacate and depart at 0700 hours on the 3rd with or without me.

Feb. 1st, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 006, Operation: Red Horizon]

[0800 hours]

Defense towers have been taken (against orders, with injury to the "agents" involved) so once the station is entirely clear, will begin assault on enemy ship. Expected assault within the next few days. Efforts to clear will continue today.

Jan. 31st, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 005, Operation: Red Horizon]

[0900 hours]

Successfully took both the operations center and the communications cluster, though there was a casualty in our ranks. Efforts being made to get station defenses back online. Enemies have been forced to the areas closest to their docked vessel, but have been launching offensives. Attack launched later in the night, possibly as retaliation for the capture of the station's hub. Base was protected, heavy enemy casualties.

Jan. 30th, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 004, Operation: Red Horizon]

[1300 Hours]

Gained some ground, but offensive not completely successful in taking communications cluster, as expected. Will continue push today. Specimen brought in for study. Note particular weak point in front mid abdomen. Nearly the whole of the habitation deck is in our control, a small victory. If possible will take ops center along with communications cluster today.

Jan. 29th, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 003, Operation: Red Horizon]

[0900 Hours]

Base in the med lab in the third habitation deck completely secured. Will be launching an offensive today with the ultimate end of taking the communications cluster. Not optimistic that the task can be achieved today, but at the very least I can expect some major damage to those bitches. Also, orders already being undermined as "agents" keep going off on their own. Not liable if motherfuckers die.

Jan. 28th, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 002, Operation: Red Horizon]

[1200 hours]

There was some difficulty finding an open docking point. The enemy has taken over a large portion of the space station. We'll have to hunker down and defend a point. There are no signs of human life from our scanners, so at least we don't have hostages to concern ourselves with from the outset. Here's a rough break down of enemy infiltration in the station thanks to a preliminary scan. The red marks the parts of the Horizon that the enemy holds (note that they currently have control of the communications and ops areas).

The Horizon )

Their own ship is held is docked at one of the held docking areas. The blue marks where we've docked. There are still areas of the habitation decks free where we can set up a base and work to regain important areas of the space station through offensive maneuvers. Drop your cocks and grab your socks, boys and girls, it's time to disembark.

((OOC: Yes, I know what this space station is from. Maybe the architect really digs Star Trek. After that little reference in his speech, Nick is face-palming, all around.))

Jan. 27th, 2010


[N, Fury, Report 001, Operation: Red Horizon]

The shuttle has successfully broken earth's atmosphere and is en route to destination. All on board have been provided with SHIELD uniforms, weapons, and temporary clearance to access the shuttle's computer systems for the duration of the mission. ETA to Horizon: 0900 hours January 28th.

November 2015




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