Feb. 26th, 2010


Who: Micah and Flint
When: for Flint, starting a bit after 5AM, December 28th 2009
Where: C Deck - stage of the Apollon Grace Theatre
What: primary coping mechanism for a frustrated (typically silent) man

the piano knows something I don't know )

Feb. 6th, 2010


Wait.. where'd the lights go?

Who: Micah, Brontë and OPEN When: 8:15 pm
Where: Ossa - on way to Circean Delight

Things were going well. Micah was having a good time. The 90's costumes were classic and while a lot of people managed to slip 80's in as well, Micah didn't care. The point of the party was to have people dress up and have fun. Mission accomplished. He was sitting at the bar, nursing his only drink for the evening when the power went out. He blinked his eyes, confused. Micah had been on a lot of cruise ships and the power was usually the least of the problems people ran into. Odd.

Where's that flashlight? )

Jan. 28th, 2010


let the festivities begin!

Who: Open to all
When: 7 PM
Where: Circean Delight

Even with all (or, most) of the passengers inside of Circean Delight, the grand restaurant managed not to look anywhere close to over-crowded - or even crowded at all. It was the height of luxury, with more than enough room for people to mingle between tables and not get in the way. After people found their tables and placed their dinner orders, a mature-looking gentleman in uniform took the stage. The stage itself was on the second level, but just by the rail, where it could be viewed by all on both floors. After introducing himself as Captain Theodore Hill, he heartily welcomed everyone to the Nausicaä's maiden voyage.

He proceeded tot ell a summarized version of the tale of The Odyssey, with much emphasis on Nausicaä's role as a saviour to Odysseus. Smiling, he closed the speech, "And so she told Odysseus, 'Never forget me, for I gave you life.' I hope to share with you all an experience you will never forget, and will cherish for the rest of your life." As the room applauded, Captain Hill stepped down to enjoy his meal at the captain's table.