Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Erik and Morgan
When: early afternoon
Where: Spa

Erik was in the spa waiting for his first appointment. They were already ten minutes late and he was tired of being cooped up so he grabbed his leather bound notebook and stepped out on the balcony adjacent to the spa, so he could still be within hearing distance if his client walked in. Resting his arms on the balcony railing, Erik opened his notebook and read back on his notes for his next erotica fiction novel, making a few changes here and there. Mostly though, his heart was heavy and his thoughts were consumed with missing his daughter. The ship had barely left and he already missed her so much. Erik lowered his head and his chest heaved in a massively sad sigh. He stared out at the ocean with unseeing eyes, completely regretting his decision to leave her with his sister.