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Magic Days OOC

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[13 Jan 2008|12:29am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Our Song ~ Taylor Swift ]

ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]stacey_marie

Okay guys, I have moved all the comments from our RPs over to magic_days (and tried to do the layout copy/pasting but I dunno where the header image went). LJ sec put them in the wrong order, but I figure it is most certainly better than nothing! That said, there is no way in hell I am copy/pasting comments for all 144 OOC posts over there. I'm just not. I plan to do all the comments from the Question of the Week posts and our Deathly Hallows and OOtP movie discussion post, but if there are any other OOC entries you want to see comments copy/pasted over for just let me know (if you could even link them, that would be even better)

As far as your personal journals, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BRING COMMENTS OVER. Of course you can if you want to, but I am NOT going to make you do any more work than necessary, promise. If you do want to, my friend Brandi taught me this neat way. Edit in your IJ post, and in your GJ post go to view -> source. The comments are near the bottom and everything you'd want would be in between an "< input type='hidden' name="journal" value="yourusername" / >" (so the first thing you'd copy would be < a name='numbersandlettershere' >) and "< hr / >< p class='lesstop' align='center' >" so the last thing you'd copy would be an < /table >. Of course you have to play around if there are too many comments and it won't let you paste them all in esp if there's more than 50 and...well, it'd tedious. But in case you were wondering what I did over there.

Um...I think that's all in moving updates for today. I should probably take a break from that and actually play a bit.

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SPOILERS!!!! [21 Jul 2007|03:29pm]

[ mood | reading DH ]
[ music | The Outside ~ Taylor Swift ]


(In case Charlotte doesn't want her post spammed with spoilers. I don't mind. I just won't look at my email until I finish. ::is currently up to chapter eight and totters off to read more and pray that Marietta and Sylvie make it through. Because she cares about the random minor characters.::)

Oh yeah, click on any comments left at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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[01 Jan 2008|07:39pm]

[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Watching me fall- The Cure ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]funnyfred)

So, today is Fred's birthday and as per tradition he and George are pulling a prank. They've placed an age line type thing around one classroom with a very high age limit. Any one under the age of 20 cannot cross the age line. So anyone who wants to be affected and grow a beard, please do!

I hope this is OK Josie. I checked with Lari and she said it should be OK but to post this just to check with you. If it's not OK then that's fine. =)

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! [04 Jan 2008|05:52pm]

[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | brother playing video games ]

I know we just had that love meme (which Lynden and Jen are free to reply to if they want love and I'm sure people will go back and give you love), but I just want to tell you again how much I love playing with you. I'm sure we all know that RPing is not about the icons or the graphics or any of that, but is really all of us working together to create something beautiful and I know my characters are really who they are because of interactions with you guys. :)

HOWEVER, the one thing we do need to roleplay is a place to actually PLAY and since last night [info]system pretty much gave us a get lost post, Josie and I both agree that it's time to jump ship. We're moving things over to magic_days and md_students, and we're going to work at trying to get everything transfered and good over there in the next few weeks and hopefully sooner. As for you guys, we'd LOVE you to stay with us as the game is obviously not the same without you, so here are a few handy links to help you get settled in your new home once you create character journals.
*LJ-Sec will be able to transfer all your entries from one journal to another. It won't be able to do that so you'll either have to skip comments or do them all by hand.
*Instructions for LJ-Sec
*You might need to download this to download LJ-Sec (It takes a while to install and you'll need to reboot)
Um...yeah, and if you're having trouble or your computer won't take it, as long as I have a (temporary, of course) password to both the GJ and IJ account, I can sec it for you - I did it for a girl in my other game earlier
*Icon uploader, so you can upload all your icons at one time (with keywords if you have them saved on your computer as their keywords!)
*instructions on how to use the uploader

I think that's all. Massive love to you guys and IJ looks like it will be a good place - really stable and willing to make itself better (and squeaky is looking into getting a new layout too, and I think this might be it).

Also, this may be a bit selfish of me, but please remember to play over here while we're still setting up over there. Marietta is about to sneak and she wants there to be a reaction to that rather than being lost in GJ's suckitude. >>

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An eighth book....? [31 Dec 2007|10:05am]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sunnymorag)!!

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April Events Post [01 Jan 2008|08:00pm]

[ music | nerina pallot - damascus ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thelovelysusan)

What happened in March.

Coming up this April! )

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Question of the week! [03 Jan 2008|07:23pm]

[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Disney channel ]

I hope I haven't done this one before...I don't think I have (but if I have, someone tell me and I'll change it).

If your character could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go and (bonus points) why?

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Festivities [25 Dec 2007|04:40pm]


Mmkay, so I fly to Scotland tomorrow =] Can't wait! Buuuut I won't have internet access until I get back, which looks to be around the 4th.

I'll miss you guys until then <33 Happy New Year in advance, and all that jazz.
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LOVE! [27 Dec 2007|07:08am]

[ mood | love! ]
[ music | none - brother is sleeping ]

I have decided in the spirit of the holiday season to forgo a question of this week in favour of a love meme instead. Simply reply to this entry with your character names and people should reply to your comment and tell you what they love about your characters! Yay for spreading love and good feelings around!

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Plot post! [29 Dec 2007|04:30pm]

[ mood | my feet are falling asleep ]
[ music | brother playing Crono Trigger ]

Last plot post

We missed Parvati's birthday - whoops! )

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[22 Dec 2007|10:11pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cowardlysnake)

Another interview with JKR!

Really, I just had to share this because of the Astoria Greengrass thing. Where did THAT come from?

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Hee! [23 Dec 2007|10:28pm]

[ mood | playful ]
[ music | Hallelujah ~ Holiday Mosaic 1999 ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sylvie_renee)

Okay so, Sylvie won't let people guess her list, but I thought you guys might like to know OOC so I'll let you guess and cross them out as you get them right.'s more fun that way than me just telling you. Yes.

Syl's list )

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[25 Dec 2007|09:49am]

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Noël en Mer ~ Tino Rossi ]


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SPAM [17 Dec 2007|05:45pm]

[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | The Christmas Shoes ~ NewSong ]

Okay, so, it looks like we're down to 10 icons again, and this time it's on the front page so I'm thinking it might be permanent. GJ again did this without telling us.

SO, a few things.

1) DO NOT GO TO EDIT ICONS PAGE. They don't deactivate unless you go there.

2) Back up your journals if you haven't. If you have? Resync 'em. Here is a fabulous link of all that you can do for backups and a step-by-step of LJ Sec. Here's a step by step of LJArchive. I will be resync-ing all my journals and the communities.

3) Josie and I will try to talk as soon as we can (we are on very different schedules atm) to figure out what to do - a move to IJ may be inevitable. If you have any opinions one way or another PLEASE let them be known.

4) In the case GJ implodes in the near future, I've made a CDJ over at IJ, so please to be finding me here in case of emergency (or if you want to anyway - I'm the same username over here on GJ).

Thank you, and that will be all from GJ emergency watch for this evening (I hope!).

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Qyestion of the Week [20 Dec 2007|06:48pm]

[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen ~ Barenaked Ladies/Sarah McL ]

A third question from Josie!

Does your character know what they want to do when they leave Hogwarts?

Okay guys, seriously. I know it's almost Christmas but that's five Marietta icons in a row. Someone that's not me has to update. We have a great game, but you have to actually update to keep it great. :)

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Question of the Week [13 Dec 2007|09:29am]

[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Happy New Year ~ A*Teens ]

Also courtesy of Josie.

Do you associate a certain song with your character?

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Plot post [15 Dec 2007|01:15pm]

[ mood | it's snowing! ]
[ music | Last Christmas ~ Darren Hayes ]

Oo-ee this was short. I take partial fault what with being knocked out that week being sick and of course there was the whole GJ debacle, but come on guys - let's post! It's more fun that way. :)

Last Plot post

March is off to a slow start - thanks GJ and holidays and Lari being sick )

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[16 Dec 2007|10:21pm]

[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | not at the moment ]


That is all.

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Hi guys! =D [07 Dec 2007|01:31pm]


Sheesh kebab, long time no see =]

Sorry about vanishing off the face of the planet a few weeks back. I'd much rather have been here having a good time than being poked with needles. Blergh. But it's okay, because I'm back now, and here to stay! No more needles until January (phew!).

I guess I have a lot of catching up to do. We'll say Megan boycotted the journals when she read a rude/mean entry, but gave up when she realised no one cared ;] And Ginny... was scatterbrained and misplaced hers. Mmk.

Time to update, I think! =D
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Question of the Week [07 Dec 2007|06:58pm]

[ mood | headache ]
[ music | Last Christmas ~ Darren Hayes ]

I'm sorry this is so late...I kinda sorta sleptthewholedayyesterday. This week's question is courtesy of Josie, and please let me know if you have something you want to see as qotw and I'll queue it.

What was your character's first (unintentional) use of magic?

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