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ATTENTION! [08 Dec 2007|02:58pm]

[ mood | angry ]
[ music | none ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sylvie_renee)


Okay guys, we've really got to figure out something here. Really.

PS: No, there was no warning and this is not in [info]news yet. This is hearsay from people's comments to the latest post and a friend from my other game warning me. I'm not gonna even try it out myself.

Despite GJ's recent suckitude, the folks over at [info]anonymous_mi are doing a good thing. Check it out. :)

PPS: Email notifications are down, too. :/

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Plot post [01 Dec 2007|02:36pm]

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Step by Step ~ New Kids on the Block ]

You guys are awesome! Activity definitely spiked these past couple weeks. Still, check all your characters, and if there's any of them you haven't updated for in a while make sure they get a bit of love and attention, too. :)

Last plot post

Birthday season! )

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[01 Dec 2007|08:58pm]

[ mood | sympathetic ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thelovelysusan)

Hello all!

Jen's asked me to post on her behalf since the silly moose is ill AGAIN. She had to go into hospital on Saturday 17th for a blood transfusion, and understandably she's been feeling pretty rough since then, which is why she's been absent. Now she's come down with glandular fever or something, so she probably won't be online for another week at least, possibly longer. :(

Anyway, feel free to shower her with concern and sympathy in her absence, since I'm sure she'll appreciate that, and hopefully she'll be well enough to roleplay again soon!

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Question of the Week [22 Nov 2007|04:00pm]

[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | family talking in the front room ]

I know we're nowhere near that time in the game and they don't celebrate it in England, anyway, but since it's a holiday for those of us Americans...

What is one thing your character is thankful for?

And Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate.
(PS: I'm visiting with relatives the next couple days and obviously I have internet, but I won't be on AIM so if you need anything, please drop me an email or a comment somewhere and I'll get it. ^^)

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Question of the Week [30 Nov 2007|07:09am]

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | none ]

I knew I was forgetting something yesterday!

What is your character's hometown? What made you pick where your character was from?

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[18 Nov 2007|05:48pm]

[ mood | Sunburnt ]
[ music | We're All Light- XTC ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]bangled_beauty)

Hi everyone. Just to let you know from Tuesday this week I have school camp until Friday then I'm home for the weekend then I have work experience. I should be able to get on the computer during work experience week but if I'm quiet then that is why. Sorry.

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Question of the week [15 Nov 2007|08:59pm]

[ mood | tired ]

What is one of your character's biggest flaws?

PS: They don't make the circus like they used to.

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Plot post [17 Nov 2007|03:43pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | America ~ West Side Story ]

Last Plot post

A rather slow two weeks )

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Question of the Week [08 Nov 2007|09:50pm]

[ mood | a bit icky ]
[ music | Taylor Swift at CMAs on Youtube ]

Look, I'm on time this time. Go me.

If your character had (or does have) a Patronus, what would it be? Bonus points: why?

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[28 Oct 2007|05:30pm]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]brockling)

So Mandy and I are back again. It took way longer than I expected, but GJ isn't acting as wack anymore and it's actually letting me come on. Ha, finally.

(Yay, a new Angelina :D Hi I'm Libby and I play Mandy, and you would've known this earlier if GJ weren't so lame. ^^)
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Plot post and question of the week [04 Nov 2007|01:15am]

[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | I'll Never Break Your Heart ~ Backstreet Boys ]

I'm sorry; I completely forgot about the question of the week this week. So I'm posting it with the plot post and this week's question comes from Josie (btw, if you ever have a question you want posed, let me know!!)

If your character could change any part of their body, what would they change and why?

Last plot post

plooooot )

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[22 Oct 2007|09:11am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]notatarget)

I come bearing Angelina. I totally went to sleep at 3am and my dog is barking and therefore, I am not currently asleep but I might move back to my bed in a few moments. I decided to check my email though and yay for being accepted. I thought that I would say hello here and let you lot spam me with greeting, love, and what not since both I and Angelina think we're worthy of it. Only not but it feels good to pretend to be super cocky sometimes. A little info about how the old!Angelina interacted with your characters could be helpful too. I did a little backreading but I miss things sometimes.

Her info is in her journal. You can ask about anything not listed there though because I enjoy random questions sometimes.

If you need to reach me, I'm at vazndt. I am on EST time but I'm currently on like all the time. When I wake up, I'll work on a shiny Angelina entry for you all to spam too and maybe a thread or two (or three). Oh and emails are snazzy too. I enjoy those. I'm at

I think that's all for now.

-Layne/ New!Angelina

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My apologies. x_x; [25 Oct 2007|06:08pm]

[ mood | lazy ]


Okay sorry guys. My life has moe social things in there, and I was dumb enough to get addicted to joining RPGs, to take up my time, then I realized I had other things to use my life on, I don't think I consented but sure, and I had to quit one the other day. Then again that was a forum, ohhh well. Those suck anyway. ;P I don't wanna quit this one. Not that you bastards would miss us, me, Tracey, and Blaise. >:O So thats my excuse for being so idle. I'm sorry guys! I promise I'll get caught up.

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Question of the Week! [26 Oct 2007|06:42pm]

[ mood | irked ]
[ music | Wheel of Fortune ]

A day late and a dollar short - sorry guys. I completely forgot yesterday. But at least this question is fun and easy (although my idea of easy is 'Lari's already thought of answers').

If your character was a game (like monopoly, Uno, tag, that sort of thing), what game would they be?

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[21 Oct 2007|03:03pm]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]the_mclaggen)

I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry I haven't been online in like YONKS.

I've officially finished Year 12. =D But have exams in like 4 days. >_>;
So, I should be studying nonstop for like the next month. Like I have been fof the past 50million months which is why I haven't been online at all. =3

In fact, the main reason I came online today was because today was the day I read about Dumbledore/Grindelwald. Which made me laugh. So I thought I'd stop by.

OMG. Come to think of it, I haven't been online since I finished Deathly Hallows. =O=O

That's freaky.


(Haha. And I'm so lame, I accidentally just posted this in my journal instead of the OOCcomm...)
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[22 Oct 2007|06:59am]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | none ]

You know how I just made you run the friends list?

Well, run it again, because we have ourselves a nice new, shiny Angelina. YAY!

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Fall cleaning! [21 Oct 2007|01:32pm]

[ mood | maybe a cold? ]
[ music | nothing, actually ]

Okay guys, Josie and I cleaned out some dead characters so we need you all to run the friends list. And get us new active characters to replace them.

Okay, just kidding, but if you do know someone who would be a good fit for this game, no harm in telling them about it, yes?

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Question of the week [18 Oct 2007|09:55pm]

[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Oops I did it Again ~ Britney Spears ]

I am making something up

What is your character's favourite food?

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[20 Oct 2007|06:20pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | I Got Rhythm ~ An American in Paris ]

Josie and I are cleaning out tomorrow, so if you haven't replied to this post and you're still here, you'd better do it. :) Plus we all, including me, need to step up activity and post post post!

Last Plot Post

A bit shorter this time around )

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Extra, extra! Read all about it! [20 Oct 2007|08:45pm]

[ mood | thoughtful ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thelovelysusan)

Hey guys! New interview with JKR! And I thought the Dumbledore/Grindelwald vibes I was getting from Deathly Hallows was just me...

Anyway. The real point of this post is today's Quidditch match! Eep, I'm so behind on things. So here's a short summary of the match for those of you who want to talk about it or whose characters are involved. :)

  » Ravenclaw win!
  » The final score is 220-120.
  » The match lasts about an hour and a half.
  » The Slytherins play dirty, as usual, and Madam Hooch awards the Ravenclaw team several penalty shots, but she misses seeing Crabbe smack his Bludger's bat into Roger Davies' shoulder.
  » From then on, Roger doesn't play as well and he misses quite a few goal shots.
  » Slytherin pulls ahead of Ravenclaw, who are starting to struggle.
  » Whenever Draco flies past Cho he attempts to put her off by calling out things about Cedric. You know, because he's sporting like that. ;)
  » But Cho has the last laugh, because she catches the Snitch!

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