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Magic Days OOC

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Cross-posted to emails [11 Jul 2008|11:16pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Hey guys,

Josie and I have talked, and we've decided that right now it's in the best interest to close down [info]magic_days officially. We've had a great run and some great plots, but the game's time is over.

That said, per more discussion between Josie and I, I've created a community called [info]magic_oasis and for those of you with CDJs, I've invited your CDJs to join (and if you don't have one, you should get one!). This is going to basically be a combination of a private story line where we can post entries or logs if we want to, and a place where we can have fun with OOC memes or reminiscing about some of the fun things we've done.

Peace out for now, loves. You've been great.

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Plot post! [28 Jun 2008|02:46pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

Last Plot Post

Mini Plot Post )

PS: I have decided I'm going to take summer break (or at least somewhat of a break) from Question of the Week so I can recharge my brain and actually think of good questions. ^^

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Question of the week! [19 Jun 2008|06:51pm]

[ mood | blah ]

I think it's maybe sad that I'm like three weeks behind in answering the qotws myself and yet I still post them.

What Muggle sport would your character most like (or does most like) and why?

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Plot post! [14 Jun 2008|02:47pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | none ]

Last Plot Post

The beginning of school )

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Question of the week! [12 Jun 2008|09:05pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | brother's video game ]

Zomg, I'm on time!

I lifted this personality quiz from my CDJ friends list.

What's your character's iPersonic type?

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[07 Jun 2008|11:23am]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | my Dad talking ]

Okay, I failed at doing Question of the Week on Thursday. I ended up being v busy eating fondue and preparing for graduation.

But I'm doing it now!

What does your character generally eat for breakfast?

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Plot post. [31 May 2008|07:36pm]

[ mood | er... ]
[ music | nope! ]

I kind of suck at this question of the week thing lately. I promise I'll have one this Thursday and I'm sorry this is the first week I've completely forgotten about something (I'd put it in now, but I don't have an idea).

You know, what I said about activity and all that stuff in the last plot post and sharing ideas and stuff you have still applies!

Last plot post

Last bits of summer )

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[23 May 2008|08:45pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | my mom talking ]

Drat it, I forgot to do question of the week again. It's been very stressful here in RL land. Anyway, I was thinking we could do a veritaserum question meme again, because it's been a while since we did it last time and I'm sure our characters have more questions they want to ask each other.

So...reply with your character's name and others will ask you questions you have to answer honestly as they would (no occlumency, Draco) because they've all been dosed with Veritaserum.

And go!

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Plot post [17 May 2008|10:19pm]

[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | none ]

First of all, I know I didn't do a question of the week this week. I suck.

Second of all, activity has really been lagging as of late. I completely understand why! It's the end of the school year for most of us, people have exams, and I've been feeling it, too. And summer's not the most fun to play in RP-land anyway. But we want to keep this game fun and happy and active, yes? So if you guys have anything Josie or I could do to make the game more fun for you, please let us know! And if you haven't updated your characters in a while (which includes me with Sylvie, I know), please get on that ASAP so we can have some fun. I was thinking of doing another veritaserum meme for this week's qotw since our characters would have new questions to ask people. Good idea, y/n?

Anyway, on to business.

Last plot post

oy, short )

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Question of the week [08 May 2008|07:07pm]

[ mood | fed up ]
[ music | Survivor ]

Still more questions borrowed from applications I've seen.

What would your character's amortentia smell like?

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Plot post! [03 May 2008|07:50pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | TV ]

Hey guys, just a note. In case you haven't been watching the front page or anything, Sqeaky is changing servers and some of your icons might have gotten eaten in the process (I pretty much had to reupload all of Stacey's, thank God for my multiple icon uploader). So don't freak out if you see broken's not GJ dying #2 and it should all be settled soon. :)

And now, on to the plot post.

Last Plot Post

Oh hey, it was Harry's birthday in here. Too bad none of our characters are that close to him ;p )

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Question of the week! [01 May 2008|08:50pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Don't Forget the Lyrics ]

To sort of kind of go with last week's question.

What is your character's boggart?

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[01 May 2008|03:19pm]

[ mood | sick ]

Sorry about my lack of activity lately, my computer got a virus so I couldn't use the internet. Unfortunately, I'll be inactibe until Sunday probably because the school musical is onat themoment and that involves me being at school almost constantly. Plus I'm sick because someone in the play got a cold and now we all have one =(. But I'll be back soon-ish!

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question of the week [24 Apr 2008|10:32pm]

[ mood | drained ]
[ music | the shower upstairs ]

Stolen from...various places.

What would your character see if they looked in the Mirror of Erised?

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Plot post! [19 Apr 2008|05:39pm]

[ mood | weird ]
[ music | S Club 7 Back to the 50s! ]

Last Plot Post

Very short. Thank you IJ blackout. Okay guys, let's get cracking )

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question of the week [17 Apr 2008|10:19pm]

[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | nope ]

This one will be lame and super easy because Marietta still hasn't answered the last two qotws. ;p

What is your character's favourite colour?

(as opposed to what colour they would be, heh)

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New character! [12 Apr 2008|11:57pm]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | Old DWTS clips on youtube ]

Guys! Guys! Run the friends list! We have a new character - Darcy will be picking up Vicky Frobisher! Please to be making her feel welcome! :)

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Question of the week [11 Apr 2008|11:24pm]

[ mood | drained ]
[ music | none ]

Considering I haven't filled out last week's yet (eep), I have to say I haven't really thought about it, but here we go:

If your character was stranded on s desert island, what three objects would they like to have with them and why? (to ferret out the duh responses, wands are not allowed as a choice.)

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Plot post [05 Apr 2008|04:38pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | S Club 7 videos on youtube ]

Last plot post

And here the summer begins. )

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Question of the week [04 Apr 2008|09:27pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | RV upstairs ]

Gosh darn, I forgot to do this yesterday.

Hm, okay, well, I know some of you have already done this, but: What's your character's Myers-Briggs personality type. In tasking the test for them does it sound somewhat like them, or completely off?

PS: I made Marietta some new icons and switched them for some of her old ones. Yes, you all needed to know that. :)

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