[ action | open | backdated to mid to late afternoon ]
27 November 2010 at 01:17 am
Tieria Erde
[Tieria stepped out of the clothing store with a coat he'd just picked up. He had forgotten he had given the other one from just after his arrival to Rei during the first night with the fog and monsters after the festival. Since he might need it tonight during their planned 'raid', he had come to get one. He was on his way to the shelter now to get a few things from the kitchen for a small meal, since he'd need his energy tonight and lack of appetite be damned, and then he would be going from there to Sector 3.

Would he run into someone somewhere during those trips or at the kitchen?]
Mood: contemplative
[ video | open ]
27 November 2010 at 01:24 am
Duo Maxwell
Gettin' kinda chilly, ain't it?

Hey... I was thinkin' of having a get together at the gym in the next few days and playing some basketball. If anyone's interested, let me know, huh? It's more fun when you've got some people to play against. Plus, bein' an indoor sport unlike baseball, the upcoming weather won't be a problem!
Mood: cheerful
[Video//Action | Open] Slightly backdated to nightfall
27 November 2010 at 10:56 am
Lacus Clyne
[Anyone outside at the moment of nightfall and expecting to see the usual moonrise on the dome will see something a little different, tonight. The soft, pale light of the moon will indeed be visible,; especially bright, perhaps a harvest moon? But no, what finally rises in the sky looks like the moon, except much larger and... heart shaped. Someone has been adjusting the star projector again.]

[It's for a good cause, however. She hopes that Axel can see it, wherever he is tonight.]

[When the actual video feed begins, Lacus is smiling peacefully while standing on the beach, Kingdom Hearts visible behind her, over the water.]

Good evening. I'm sure you all observed the difference in the sky tonight. It's from another world, one that I would enjoy learning more about. I hope you find the sight as lovely as I do.

((OOC: KH cast/fans please forgive and correct me if I've done anything wrong! Never had the pleasure of playing the games, orz, but Lacus would have done her research so I'd like to be accurate as possible~

Also, today's astronomy class is presumed to have happened, but there won't be a post for it.))
backdated [video/action]
27 November 2010 at 02:13 pm
Sakura Kinomoto
[Here's Sakura in her cheerleading uniform waving energetically!]

Hello everyone! I know that I missed the last baseball game, so I'll do my best to prepare for the next one to make up for it. Anyone can play - and it's fun. Oh, and if anyone would like to join the cheerleading team then all you have to do is talk to Yuuri-san or Josak-san or...me I guess! It's really fun so - I hope you join!

[YOU KNOW YOU WANNAAAAA. if anyone's coming by the athletic complex they'll see Sakura twirling her baton like a champion 8D.]

[filtered to the DF]

[t-takes her a moment to make this filter but when she's finished]

Hi Suzaku-san! Are you busy right now?
[voice | private][action | closed]
27 November 2010 at 03:22 pm
Sam Winchester
Dean! Cas! Meet me at home. Now.

[Sam has a lot on his mind. And most of it involves how to kill a vampire named Zelman Clock.

...What the hell kind of name is Zelman Clock?]

(OOC: Backdated to late afternoon.)
[Action | Closed] Backdated slightly
27 November 2010 at 07:39 pm
Lyle Dylandy
[Finally it had been a good day for this so Lyle was in the kitchen of his house, making dinner. Anew did the cooking most of the time so he figured he might as well cook for her sometimes. So he was making something simple, some soup and a pasta dish. There was something for dessert in refrigerator. Frederick is sitting on the floor next to him, watching the kitchen door.]

Let me know when she's coming.

[Frederick flaps] Okay! Okay!