27 June 2010 at 01:37 am
Cut for Devil Survivor spoilers and Blood|Nightmare )

[Jun's sleep hasn't been restful since the third night of the Lockdown. After today's evens, it's much worse, but he can't quite seem to wake himself up.]
[voice | action | open]
27 June 2010 at 01:00 pm
Spike (William the Bloody)
I guess this is why they tell you to be careful what you wish for.

[Because he had missed the raptors actually. He liked getting into the thick of things and tearing it up with beasties that needed to be put down. No gray areas. No moral obligations and regrets. Just fight and survive. But why are there so bloody many? And why so soon after his recent injuries? Not that he can't play through pain, but give a vampire a chance, right?]

[But the worst part is that for once he has no idea where his slayer is. Bloody damn fog.]

Remind you of old times, Buffy? [Come on, luv, speak up. Let him know you're okay and where you are.]
[voice | action | open]
27 June 2010 at 01:47 pm
[Scared formerly omnipotent, omniscient, immortal Q is scared. At the first sign of trouble he transported himself into a common room in the shelter and so far so good, but he's been listening to the network and he's not even a little amused.]

Why is everyone just attacking the symptoms? [By which he means the monsters] Someone needs to go after the cause. [Someone who isn't him.] It clearly must be one of you, right? Unless the AI has sprung a leak. So, just start killing each other until the monsters disappear. Problem solved.

[There. It's like he always has to do all the work.]