09 April 2010 at 01:01 am
Oh Juuuuuuun.~

Would Riddle-kun like to come out and play?

[Poor Naoya.... He shouldn't have gotten the poor kid involved in this~]
Mood: mischievous
Voice | Open, (possible action | closed?)
09 April 2010 at 10:10 am
Easter, Marina? The Christian celebration dedicated to life. Hope. Sacrifice. The forgiveness of sins. Gloriously rich for a prison, isn't it? -- A prison where the continuation of life is frowned upon and forgiveness-- oh, now that's not going to happen either, is it? You don't deserve forgiveness. Life sentences with no chance of a reprieve because you have been designated as the individuals most likely to cause the universe ruin. I'd almost be tempted to say the so-called celebrations here had been designed with the utmost irony in mind.

Or perhaps you view yourselves as martyrs, sacrificing your freedom for the sake of others except-- you're powerless. Content to go from day to day, cheerfully ignoring the fact you've had your life all but taken from you.

Doctor, what aspect of humanity was it you used to sing the praises of? I think you might have to admit you were wrong. These ones are so disappointing.
[Voice//Action | Open]
09 April 2010 at 12:48 pm
Lacus Clyne
[Lacus has set up a table in the cafeteria with cups of dye and paintbrushes and stencils, and a huge basket of hard-boiled eggs. After the Mass today she felt the need to do something more colloquial, something that reminded her of home, so she's painting Easter eggs with Pink (who admittedly isn't much help, but he's trying). She's no genius at this, so mostly the eggs are plain but colorful, with very few that she obviously put some more time toward scattered in here and there. Also nearby is a stack of baskets she found in the store, just in case.]

I thought it would be nice to decorate some eggs for the holiday. Pink and I are in the dining room, if anyone would like to help. We have plenty of supplies.

Pink! Help! [Then there's a tiny splash as Pink dumps an egg into a cup of dye, and Lacus giggles faintly.]
[ action | open ]
09 April 2010 at 01:56 pm
[ He doesn't live by himself anymore, but he doesn't really care. The kitten is clearly scared by the furniture crashing and breaking, but he doesn't really care about that, either. What he'd said to that idiot still held true; there was no escaping, and he'd never find Subaru, even if he did. Not unless... he made another pact with the Witch. An additional, infuriating thought on top of everything else. He is impotent, unable to protect the person closest to him -- possibly from himself, if that idiot was right.

So... all he can do it break things. ]
Location: Apartment, Sector 5 / Late Afternoon
09 April 2010 at 02:21 pm
Today, Nana drew pictures for the first time! It was really, really fun, but really, really hard. Nana drew all of her friends and did her very, very best. See--!

[And thus, Nana holds up her Masterpiece. The figures look distorted, obviously childish, truly reflecting the age Nana is in actuality, a seven year old, despite her older looking appearance of a fourteen year old.]

Nana tried to draw everyone, so if Nana missed someone by accident, please say so. Nana doesn't want anyone to feel left out.

Ah, does anyone know where Shirley is? Nana really, really wants to show her Nana's drawing!

[Oh god I know it's an eyesore, but she tried. |D lololol. If you're wondering which blob you are - from left to right starting from the top: Lelouch, Shirley, Kallen, The Doctor, Nana, Yuuri, Akito, Wolfram, PAPA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Sakamoto, Yuuri's Mama and Minako. IF I MISSED ANYONE MY BAD ;;;;;]
[Action | Audio] [Mostly Open - Early Evening]
09 April 2010 at 03:16 pm
Miko "Jennifer" Shibuya
[If the bots had done their job well, many of you would have received an invitation showing the location of Jennifer's new house and a hand written note. In short, she's finally getting around to opening up her house!]

[Audio | filtered to everyone she's ever meet] Hello? Everyone should have received an invitation today, but just in case you didn't, I made curry again! And I have a brand new house I'd love to share even though I seem to have already acquired a few roommates. [small laugh] You should thank Josak. He helped me find it!

But, even if you can't make it tonight, you should still stop by sometime~~ I have tea! And an endless supply of cookies [especially if she keeps baking like she has been] I do have one it~ty-bitty little favor to ask though. When you come in, please try not to make to much unnecessary noise? One of my guests is taking a nap and I'd hate to wake him up if we can help it...

Thanks! Hopefully, I'll see you soon!

[OOC: To any of the new arrivals, Jennifer would be perfectly happy to invite you to her house. Just poke me to start a thread to cover the 'knowing you' end of things. Also, threadjacking encouraged and condoned.]
[Action | Open]
09 April 2010 at 04:47 pm
[Easy-Mac?  Clearly the best offering this dome's convenience store has ever offered to its lazy, shiftless prisoners.

And Demyx, prime example, is seated on the couch nearest his floor's kitchenette in Sector 0, stirrin' the cheese-packet and humming to himself, seeming aimless...

Though oddly enough he does have something productive on his mind, not that it guarantees anything will actually come of it .

Demo-tapes. How does one go about recording something representative of one's finest awesome when they are, at lack of heart, ultimately ambitionless?

Oh yeah, and whoever made deviled eggs earlier? He's helped himself to some of those too, figuring a few snuck off the tray won't be missed.]
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[action//voice | open]
09 April 2010 at 08:25 pm
Ah, h-hello? [the slight sound of him clearing his throat] My name is Mikado Ryugamine It really is my name, I promise. It’s nice to meet all of you.

I think my being here is some sort of mistake, so there are probably more people here by mistake, right? It seems like there aren’t a lot of actual criminals… The welcome basket is a little non-threatening.

… I-is anyone there?
[Text/Action - Filtered to Takami]
09 April 2010 at 10:42 pm
[Takami, dear, I feel like you have been avoiding me as of late. I haven't seen you in ages! Do please come over to my apartment and share dinner with me. It would be nice to have a companion for the evening, and even better I'd get to see you~!

I hope you won't be to intimidated when I say I'll be cooking - and that it will be traditional foods from my land. Trust me, I can handle the basics well enough. No one has ever gotten sick or died from my attempts at cooking, though my chefs might weep a bit at the final presentations I give.

Say 7pm~? See you then!