Empty Fridges
22 July 2010 at 12:25 am
Selim Bradley
Big important note!

So, this afternoon, someone got a little hungry and um...ate all the food (and drinks that don't come out of a pipe) in the shelter's kitchens while no one else was in there.

Yes, all of it. Including the blood. (It is human and he'll eat those.)

At least there is still water to drink?

Sources of food that have not been affected yet are the restaurants (ramen shop and pizzeria), the convenience store, booze & snacks at the club, any fruits/vegetables growing on Mami's farm or in the park or whatnot, and anything that may be stored in private residences. But obviously those are limited supplies.

Also note that GIR will be taking over tomorrow, so proper restocking (i.e. non-junk food) may take some time...

Slowatus finally over - for good?
22 July 2010 at 12:29 pm
Shingles have healed, and I don't seem to have PHN, AND my new meds are working great so far. So provided there aren't any more weird medical anomalies in my future, I'm back! Again.

- m
Mood: amused
Music: jar of hearts - christina perri
Slowatus Increase? Decrease? Whatev's...
22 July 2010 at 04:32 pm
Tieria Erde
Okay... play rehearsals are picking up. Starting this weekend, we have weekend rehearsals. The stage is going up in the room we're using, and we're going to have to be moving tables and chairs before and after rehearsals. Rehearsals are getting extended starting next week to include hair and make-up time before... and then full run-throughs, which means we're there 'til we're finished, regardless of when that is. We open on August 6th, so... yeah. Busy busy!

My posting will most likely be restricted to work hours. However, things are picking up there now, too, because we have four major projects to work on and they're all due around the same time. Oye!

So... I doubt I'll be up to full hiatus for at least another week, but I won't be able to really hang around on AIM for hours on end until after the play's over, at least. I really shouldn't be doing that anyway, but you get the idea. Our last performance is August 14th with an abbreviated road show to a local nursing home the weekend after that.

Whew! Busiest summer ever!

This affects Duo [info]devine_braid, Kitty(Evo) [info]kitty_phase, MOMO [info]pechesagittaire and Tieria [info]trial_by_veda.
Mood: exhausted
22 July 2010 at 08:02 pm
Kallen Kouzuki (Stadtfeld)
I absolutely hate doing this, especially so soon after Anya...but I'm dropping Kallen. Not entirely surprising given my lack of activity lately, but...

I'm just. Not feeling her anymore. I'd like to app her again at some point if I can get to a point where I'm confident enough with her voice, and I'll probably still play her in the DRs/bring her back for the fourth wall event

I love you guys...it's been an awesome year, and I'd like to apologize to the rest of the Geass cast for failing so hard.

I'll still be around with Pearl though.
[ State of the Apps ]
22 July 2010 at 11:15 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Apps are opening this Sunday!

They will close the Sunday night after (8/1) and will be closed until the end of August! So if you're working on apps, and you want to be in this batch, then you should get your apps in next week or for one month hold your peace.

And while we're at it, activity check will be going up that same Sunday. Every character in the game must respond unless the mun is on an announced hiatus for the whole week of the AC.

Mini-meme: Are you planning to app someone? Watching a new series you might be interested in apping from? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time for a villain"? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time to DROP THEM ALL"? Tell us about it in the comments and get feedback/enabling/plotting! Prospective players too!

Bonus: Are you planning on participating in the fourth-wall event? Who with? Share! Plot! Geek!