The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 20th, 2009

Story: For One More Chance, for arionrhod

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Title: For One More Chance, for arionrhod

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: He didn't tell anyone where he was going that day, nor did he tell them what he was planning to summon. At best, they'd have called him mad; at worse they'd have locked him up for dabbling in such ancient, restricted arts. Not that he really cared. Remus was on a mission, and he'd do anything to get to Severus. Even risk his soul in a seemingly impossible wager with Death.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: Warnings: None, really... Sexual situations, some language Prompts: I combined two, with some slight modifications:
1. Fic - Remus survives because only silver can truly kill a werewolf, although regeneration takes several days. When he comes "back to life" he finds out Tonks and Severus are both dead, and that Severus wasn't a traitor after all. Having only married Tonks because he was grieving over Albus and Severus, whom he had loved secretly for years, Remus makes a daring decision - to use a Dark Magic he'd heard about during his years of wandering to pass into the afterlife and bring Severus back. The only problem is that he has a mere twenty four hours to convince Severus to return, or else they will both be trapped in limbo forever! Angst fine, but happy ending a must!
2. Fic - Remus has no memory of who or what he is; finding himself wandering alone in a cold, dark place, he stumbles upon a small house where a man lives alone. The stranger takes him in, albeit reluctantly, and as Remus is nursed back to health he finds that he develops feelings for his rescuer. Little does he know that this is no stranger, but Severus Snape, a man scorned and hated for his crimes. The amount they may have known each other before is up to the author, but I'd like to see a reluctant, possibly damaged Severus being slowly won over by Remus. Whether Remus regains his memories is up to you, but a happy ending, please!

Word count: 9842

December 19th, 2009

Art: New York Minute illustration, for ellid

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Title: New York Minute illustration, for ellid

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)/NWS

Warning: Spoiler! Read the story before viewing.

A/N: More than the challenge of the art itself it was difficult to try to convey even a little of the amount of feelings between Snape and Lupin in that scene... I hope it pleases you, Ellid, as it did me to read your story again!

Note: Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

December 18th, 2009

Story: Of Celluloid and Fate, for islandsmoke

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Title: Of Celluloid and Fate, for islandsmoke

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Cinemaphile Severus Snape only wanted to enjoy his first holiday in a place where no one knew him. So what the hell was Remus Lupin doing there? A little imagining of how the boys might have found each other after the first war.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: prostitution, pornography of sorts, Severus having rude thoughts about the French

Notes: I hope you enjoy this, islandsmoke! Apologies to anyone who knows Clermont-Ferrand. I've taken many liberties and I'm aware that the lovely city is not actually overrun with prostitutes. ;) Thanks to my dear beta, and to the amazing mods for the fest!

Word count: 4487

Story: Fits and Starts, for dungeons-master

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Title: Fits and Starts, for dungeons-master

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus survived an Unbirthing Venom. . . mostly.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Warnings: cavalier attitude towards Book 7 canon (i.e., handwaving); hints at past child abuse

Beta: an absolute angel with the patience of a saint (she checked this three times!)

Word count: 14463

December 17th, 2009

Story: The Investigation, for shadowycat

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Title: The Investigation, for shadowycat

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Remus lies in a mysterious coma at St. Mungo's. After all the usual remedies fail, Severus is brought in to investigate. Bitter from many disappointments, Severus is surprised when what he learns about Remus challenges his preconceived notions.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Warnings: AU in that both Severus and Remus survived the war

Notes: Happy Holidays! Many thanks to my wonderful betas (to be named later), who are responsible for all the good parts of the story.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.

Word count: 9730

Story: Rolling With Punches, for dingochow

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Title: Rolling With Punches, for dingochow

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: It took Snape three days to track Lupin to New York City. It took nearly three weeks to find him.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Notes: Post-Deathly Hallows/AU. This story “kinda, sorta” got away from me. Actually, it turned into a beautiful monstrosity, but time was not wibbly-wobbly enough on my side to bring it here in its entirety. This is a chapter in the middle of our boys’ adventures into a life after their supposed deaths…

Word count: 7801

December 16th, 2009

Story: Orange Skies Ahead, for nimrod-9

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Title: Orange Skies Ahead, for nimrod-9

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: With Hogwarts in shambles, the desks eating students, the silverware staging a revolt, Headmaster Snape has to hire Curse-Breaker Lupin to clean out the Room of Requirement. But a mistake in their past threatens their new relationship, and soon there will be new decisions to factors that don't involve transfiguring the tapestries.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Notes: MPREG. Thanks for that someone's hand-holding, and nimrod_9, who gives the BEST PROMPTS. I only wish I did them justice.

Word count: 12599

Art: 1979, for westernredcedar

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Title: 1979, for westernredcedar

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Prompt: A portrait or scene of the boys as young men, after Hogwarts but before the end of the First War. If possible, I'd love a pic of a secret rendezvous at this time. Possibly you could consider it an illustration for my fic 1979.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13) - mildly NWS

Notes: Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

December 15th, 2009

Story: Anon', for xterm

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Title: Anon', for xterm

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Xterm's Snupin Santa prompt: It was Snape who was having a relationship with Sirius. Remus knew but didn't like to interfere with friends' affairs. After Sirius's death, Remus at first ignores Snape's pain but then tries to comfort him. One major twist I want though is Remus wants to be Snape's man friend, not a boyfriend... may include Tonks

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Other pairing: Severus/Sirius

Word count: 9090

Notes: Dear Recipient,
Set after the end of the war. I have tried to stick to canon as much as possible as per request, but some things may not add up; I hope you forgive those bits! I have tried really hard to avoid fluff, though I worry a little may have slipped in, but hey, it’s good for the soul. I also have to admit that your prompt flummoxed me in some ways, so I have done, to the best of my abilities, what I thought you wanted. Hope we have the same understanding of the term ‘man friend’. Hope you enjoy it, happy crimble!

Your secret Snupin Santa

Many thanks to star Beta who saved me from pointy sticks! Sorry about the ‘swill’, but it stays!

Story: Mad Wolves and Englishmen, for odogoddess

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Title: Mad Wolves and Englishmen, for odogoddess

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: When two quarreling Order members are sent on holiday together, they quickly discover that Albus Dumbledore is a strong believer in ‘bonding through adversity’. In this case, ‘adversity’ is a town called Purgatory, Texas.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Notes: Dearest odogoddess – It was such a delight to write for you. I made a few small changes to your prompt to get the story to work, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it. Sadly, I had to leave out ‘tea-bagging’ so I added an extra dose of h/c and smex to make up for it. Many thanks to my long-suffering and unbelievably wonderful betas/brit-pickers who must for now remain nameless. I honestly could not have made it through this without your help and cheerleading. The title is taken from a Noel Coward song, the refrain of which goes “Mad dogs and Englishmen / go out in the midday sun”. The characters of Arley Wheelis and Opal Bellmiller are inspired by (if not outright based upon) characters from the hilarious play “Greater Tuna”

Word count: 17435

December 14th, 2009

Story: The Howling Moon, for real-life-rosy

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Title: The Howling Moon, for real-life-rosy

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Something happened in the Shrieking Shack that no one had anticipated. The aftermath may be more than any of them is prepared to handle.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Pairings: Severus/Remus, references to: Severus/Lily, Lily/James

Content: underage sexual activity among same-age teens, frottage, oral, hand-job, dub/non-con, bestiality/werewolf sex, angst, smoking

Author's Notes: This story diverges from canon around the time of the Shrieking Shack incident, for reasons which will (hopefully) be apparent from the text. A very merry Snupiny Season to you, real-life-rosy! I had to tweak your prompt a bit, but I hope you enjoy this anyway!

Word count: 17370

Story: Love Thy Enemy, for soda-and-capes

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Title: Love Thy Enemy, for soda-and-capes

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Something could be said about love. It is not always black and white.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings/Kinks: DH Compliant, Angst, Slash, Implied Het, Character Death

Author's Notes: I would like C and P for being my betas at the last moments. I had so much fun doing this fic.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognizable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work

Other Pairing: Remus/Tonks

Word count: 1587

December 13th, 2009

Story: A Cup of Kindness Yet, for snapelike

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Title: A Cup of Kindness Yet, for snapelike

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Prompt: Historical, non-magical AU, set in either Victorian or Industrial England. Please no nobility/manor stuff. Also requested was: AU/AR magical or non-magical. Romance, angst, dark as long as there is a hopeful ending (can be death). AU, Bonding and werewolves. H/C, physical disability, love under difficult circumstances.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Notes: I chose the non-magical AR (so no werewolves) and also chose not-too-dark. So I hope this little holiday tale provides at least a bit of what snapelike wished for.

Warnings: non-magic AU, h/c, past-tragedy, violence, and foul language in the way of racial epithets which the author does not normally use nor finds in any way acceptable.

Disclaimer: Just borrowing Rowling's characters for a while for non-profit purposes.

Word count: 13714

December 12th, 2009

Art: All Day, Every Day, For the Rest of Our Lives, for chazpure

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Title: All Day, Every Day, for the Rest of Our Lives, for chazpure

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Rated: NWS

Summary: Happy Holidays, Chaz! Thank you for the interesting challenge! I knew it was the prompt I wanted to do from the start of getting my assignment! *smooches*

Disclaimer: Not mine just playing with them.


Notes: Right-click to see larger versions of the images. Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

December 11th, 2009

Story: Confessional, for cardigrl

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Title: Confessional, for cardigrl

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Years after the war against Voldemort finally ended, Remus Lupin turns up in Chicago under the guise of one Roger Wolf, a freelance translator working for a publishing firm. His latest assignment is a best selling novel by a most reclusive author. As Remus finds himself sucked into a muggle story very reminiscent of his own past, he begins to suspect the reclusive author might be more than he seems.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Author's Notes: Happy Christmas, Cardigrl~! I hope this little retrospective tale does justice to the spirit of the prompts you provided.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fandom. All rights belong to the original author. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Word count: 5986

Story: Exquisite Prick, for myene-01

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Title: Exquisite Prick, for myene-01

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: When Remus finds out that a certain quill turns Severus on, Severus finds himself in a prickly situation.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: s/M, blood (tiny bit) and slashing (with a quill), wanking

Notes: Merry Christmas myene_01! This is set after OotP, but with Severus teaching potions and Remus teaching DADA.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, and I shouldn’t be writing about them like this. Do I feel guilty enough to stop? No – I just feel guilty enough to feel guilty.

Word count: 2517

December 10th, 2009

A Dream Within a Dream, for osmalic

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Title: A Dream Within a Dream, for osmalic

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus goes on a journey through a strange land.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

A/N Note: Thank you so much to my wonderful betas. I couldn't have done this without you. Also, the picture is a photo manipulation made by me. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank a special someone for her help with the prompt, and for reading through the very first draft of this story. Your thoughts and ideas for this fic greatly affected the finished story. *hugs*

Prompt: fic/art: Snape and Lupin. CHRISTMAS THEME. Make my heart melt with snark and eggnogs. I live in a tropical country, so either make them celebrate Christmas in a heat wave, or make me fall in love with snow and cold. You're choice, as long as it's in the spirit of waffy! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character within this story. All are owned by J.K. Rowling. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Word count: 7214

Story: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, for moreteaplease2

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Title: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, for moreteaplease2

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Life begins to unravel for Severus Snape when a figure from his past shows up to wreck havoc. Can Remus Lupin be just the salvation he needs?

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Warnings: mentions of past drug abuse, previous minor-character death, low levels of violence and swearing.

Word count: 22668

December 9th, 2009

Story: A Change for the Good, for nepenth

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Title: A Change for the Good, for nepenth

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus is an intelligent, ambitious young man, but with the… ‘help’ of a friend he undergoes a radical sex change that revolutions his whole life.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: Gender-bender (girl!Severus), completely AU, a teeny tiny bit of angst and fluff here and there.

Author notes: Merry Snupin Christmas, Nepenth! I decided to go with your first prompt, but I’ve never written gender-bender before and it probably shows. I had so much fun working at this fic, though… I hope I made a good enough job including everything you asked for! Big thanks go to my beta, the best of them all!! Ten points go to the people who get the anime/manga reference :P

Word count: 31311

Compromising Times, for wolfiefics

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Title: Compromising Times, for wolfiefics

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: I used wolfiefics' prompt number one – "A story featuring Remus, Severus and Sirius as a threesome. One of my favorite stories is McKay's The Thrill of Under Me You, so something similar to that line of 'reluctant love' would be cool." I hope you like it! And anonymous thanks to my betas without whom I would be lost.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: Threesome, explicit slash sex of various types.

Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius

Word count: 7192

December 8th, 2009

Story: The Pain of His Company, for dizilla

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Title: The Pain of His Company, for dizilla

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Cursed by Voldemort, Harry is doomed to see the one he loves the best die in lingering agony. Meanwhile, Snape is forced to obey orders given by Lupin, who is out of his mind with grief over the death of a friend.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction are the property of J. Rowling. The situations are the author's own.

Warnings: Humiliation, fellatio, rape, S&M.

Notes: Consignum is a made-up spell, from the Latin "to consign." This story was written for the 2009 Snupin Santa exchange, and is a gift for dizilla.

Other pairing: Harry/Luna

Word count: 6293

Story: Flight of the Marauder, for kirasha

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Title: Flight of the Marauder, for kirasha

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: A series of mysterious bank robberies leads Inspector Severus Snape of Scotland Yard into the midst of a band of thieves who are far more than what they appear. As Severus is drawn further into the dark secrets surrounding one of the Empire's most notable Peers - and the biggest proponent of the steam technology which powers it - he discovers himself caught up in a web of murder, lies, deception and greed, and facing an irresistible attraction that might be even more dangerous to his life than the criminals surrounding him.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Warnings: Character death (not SS or RL)

Notes: This story would not have been what it is without the unfailing encouragement of M., or the phenomenal work of my beta, E., who kept me in line not only as far as spelling and grammar, but in points of Victorian society and law. Thank you both, I couldn't have done it without you!

Word count: 30361

December 7th, 2009

Story: You Only Live Twice, for karasu-hime

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Title: You Only Live Twice, for karasu-hime

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: It's not often that a tired, worn-out werewolf gets a second chance at life. It's even rarer for a bitter, cynical professor to get a fresh start. What happens when they get their second chance at the same time?

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Note: AU as of "The Seven Potters" chapter in DH.

Prompt from Karasu Hime: "De-aged fic: Severus and Remus come back with the help of Hermione, however they come back in their 18 year old bodies. And boy is Remus horny! With his wolf hormones on the rampage, he tries every which way to get into uptight Severus pants. I'd like to read the different ways he tries, how he gets snubbed, obstacles, angst then the happy ending. No over the top fluff, please!" I hope this works!

Other pairing: Charlie/Tonks

Word count: 6606

Story: The Space Between, for rudika

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Title: The Space Between, for rudika

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Prompt: AU/AR Remus is a college student majoring in Physical Anthropology. Snape is in the medical program, studying phlebotomy. They begin meeting in the cafeteria every Wednesday (the day when Remus' rowdy friends are usually in classes without him). But when the next semester comes around, Remus and Snape are in the same Anatomy class... along with Remus' annoying friends.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Warnings: AU/AR, some not-so-nice language/attitudes on the part of Sirius and James (homophobia and gay bashing), SERIOUS Sirius bashing ^_^

A/N: Erm, the story is not 100% correct because the University that I chose does not offer the program that you wanted, but I wanted to stay true to the prompt. Remus and Severus are Americans in this story for purposes of plot and because all I am familiar with is American college culture. This story took me many places that I had no idea about. I hope that I have lived up to your original prompt well enough, while adding a little bit of me into it.

Betas: The wonderful D and B who came through at the last second when I needed them most. Thanks girls ^_^

Word count: 6411

December 6th, 2009

Art: Touch Me..., for snapealina

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Title: Touch Me..., for snapealina

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Merry Christmas, Snapealina! You said that if you received a gift of art, you wanted something lovable and beautiful. I hope this will do. :D

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13) - not totally safe for work or peeking at in the company of prying eyes

Medium: Pencil on paper

Notes: Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.
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