The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

April 20th, 2010

Snupin Showers 20 B: Something New ~ Unexpected Words [PG13]

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Unexpected Words

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Teddy Lupin finds a letter filled with despair and enlightenment.
Challenge: [info]lupin_snape Snupin Showers Celebration and Letters to Lupin 2010
Word Count: 1,884
Genre: Angst; Romance; Drama
Warnings: Secondary M/M Pairing involving Teddy Lupin
A/N: This is not my usual fare. I had called it a “Dark!Fic” but removed the warning because…well, I don’t think it applies, but tell me if it strikes the reader as such.

There are words we wish unsaid. But there are people we want to hear those selfsame words.

§¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪ §¤§₪

March 14th, 2010

Fic: What's a Few Decades Between Old Crushes? (hard R/NC-17)

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Title: What's a Few Decades Between Old Crushes?
Author: Omni (aka: rip_von_christ)
Rating: Hard R/NC-17
Warnings: Some sexual situations. No beta (per usual).
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the situations in which I am placing them.
Summary: Some long-overdue cleaning of the Potions classroom yields unexpected results. The question now is what exactly Severus plans to do with the knowledge obtained from such a surprising discovery.
Notes: This is for the Letters to Lupin thing, in dedication of Lupin's birthday, yet there is no birthday-related anything in here. There are, however, letters. Plenty of letters. Oh! Also, this takes place in a world where Deathly Hallows never happened. It's post-Voldemort, with the lovely cliche of Remus returning to Hogwarts as DADA prof. You'll probably see a few other cliches about. Hah. Also, this is much...ah...nicer? fluffier?...than I usually write.
Click for fic )

March 9th, 2010

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Title: Will You Be My Valentine?

Paring: Remus/Severus

Word Count: 734

Rating: PG-13

Challenge: Letters

Warning: Unbeta’d





Will you )

March 1st, 2010

Letters to Lupin Fic: Missives to the Spy by Bonfoi [NC17]

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Missives to the Spy

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Remus Lupin spies for his king and country. The object of his latest mission is none other than Severus du Snape, Vicomte du Slytherine. Lucky werewolf! Even luckier Snape!
Challenge: Letters to Remus, [info]lupin_snape 2010 birthday (his 50th!)
Word Count: 1,914
Genre: Alternate Reality; Romance; Fest/Challenge; PWP
Warnings: Dirty Talk; Table Sex; Purple prose; NWS
Beta: The kind yet stern [info]etain_antrim
A/N: Inspired by [info]ebonyserpent’s 2007 fantasy piece, A Shocking Discovery [NWS]. When the prompt “Letters to Lupin” came along, I remembered this art and voila! The ficlet practically wrote itself!

Is the way to a werewolf's heart through passionate writings? Severus du Snape knows.

February 13th, 2010

February Challenge: Letters to Lupin

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Title: Owl Post
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: G
Media: Pencil, pen, and marker

Letters to Lupin: Owl Post )

Vid: Snupin.-.Right Where You Are [R] Happy Valentine's Day~

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I'm sorry that LJ is almost inaccessible for me recently, so I could only post here rather than both sides. 
Happy Valentine's Day~~^^
Title: HarryPotter.Snupin.Fanvid.-.Right Where You Are
Song: Cross Every River BY Maria Arredondo
Vidder:[info]lzqsk (also Doris) 
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: R
blood, m/m relationship 
Ministry of Magic hunting werewolves, so Snape kicked Lupin away, but unfortunately Lupin was still got caught. After out of prison he went to Greyback's pack as a spy. Time goes by, Lupin left his wife eventually and decided to go back.
All the image and music clips belong to their owners.
No copyright infringement intended.
I own nothing but love to our heroes.


February 7th, 2010

Mod Post: February Challenge and Calendar, etc.

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Remus' 50th Birthday is March 10. Our challenge for the next month is

Letters to Lupin

This challenge can be used for Valentine's day or Remus' birthday, or for any shades in-between. I am hoping you will all think outside the box about this one, especially artists.

Drabbles (a single letter?), ficlets, art, stories, photomanips, icons, thematic lists, recs, and any other offerings you can relate to the challenge are welcome. If you need ideas or would like a writing partner for a letters exchange, feel free to ask here or later on the community. Also, for the duration of this challenge, if you would like have another character "write" to Remus in some way, it will be accepted, as long as the "letter" involves Remus and no mentions of other romantic partners are made -- in other words, Remus gen only, please, if you involve another character alone. Other characters addressing a Remus/Severus relationship in some way is welcome, of course!

Specific tags for this challenge will be "prompt: letters to lupin" and possibly "holidays: lupin's birthday" as well as other fic and art tags as they apply. Remember there are feeds from IJ to LJ and LJ to IJ if you don't have journals in both places.

You may post your offering at any time, and this challenge runs through March 10. I hope many of you will come out to celebrate Remus' golden birthday, including viewers who are willing to encourage with their comments!

I'll admit it, I've been sick. I was hoping to have the print calendar and other sundries ready for you this weekend, but it will be a few days more. In the meantime, you can use the beautiful desktop version of the February image made for us by the very talented [info]nepenth, aka KC.

Snupin February calendar 1024 x 768       Snupin February Calendar 1440 x 900
1024 x 768             1440 x 900

If you have comments for her, I'll be sure to point her here to see them. Right after I post this, I'll be updating all the way out of date notifications on the community. Remember, if you ever see expired info, you can let me know, I'm happy to be poked.

In other news, the recent Moonshadow issues seemed to be solved. Remember, there's a general password to leave comments on Moonshadow stories here. Art gallery comments work without a password.

Happy day! I hope you all have a good week and a weekend full of warmth. ♥ ♥ ♥

love, lore
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