The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 13th, 2010

June 13th, 2010

Two stories!

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[info]arionrhod and I have written two new stories over the past couple of months or so, although it's taken me a while to get them both edited. Bad McKay!

Second Life, by Arionrhod & McKay
Rated: PG13
Pairing: RL/SS, with references to past Remus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks, and Severus/Regulus
Summary: After a potion's effects go awry, Severus finds himself forging an unexpected connection with Remus Lupin.
Word count: ~31,000

The second story is a spin-off AU of our RPG characters; it doesn't really focus on RL/SS, but they're together and present in the story, so I'm throwing it out here in case anyone is interested. :D

Your True Love's Coming, by Arionrhod & McKay
Rated: R
Pairing: Remus/Severus, Serenus/Tybalt
Summary: Remus and Severus found love with each other a couple of years ago in Rome thanks to a little helpful meddling from Severus' brother. Now they have a chance to return the favor when sparks fly between Serenus and a handsome young Auror during a holiday in London.
Word count: ~23,000

Mod Post: Call for Remix Rec, June Calendar, etc.

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OK, doing this quick because the power just went out and we won't remain connected long.

The Snupin Remix has been underway this week. Posting will continue for the next two weeks, M-F, with weekends off for catching up. Here are the tags for both IJ and LJ:

If you post any Remix recs on your journal or other journals, please reply here with the title and links. If we get three for any one Remix piece, I can send it off to the newsletters as a hot rec.

June Calendar art by [info]karasu_hime

1024 x 768
1117 x 798

As always, if you have comments for the artist, please leave them here!

LJ's Crack_Broom is having open reccing this month. If you'd like to post just one rec there that hasn't appeared on the community before, this is your chance!

The only community challenge for this month is to view and comment on and possibly rec Snupin Remix pieces. Please, support the artists and authors who are still creating new material for our favourite pairing!

I am considering a fantasy fest, with prompts gathered and claimed this month for posting next month (July). Yes or No? Please reply!

And that's all I have. Stay safe, everyone! ♥

love, lore
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