The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 15th, 2010

February 15th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: "A Close Shave" by schemingreader [M/R]

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Love finds us when we least expect it, and reading [info]schemingreader's A Close Shave, 2007-12-12 [Mature] on skyhawke-dot-com shows how a new life and a new place can lead to new feelings. And, it shows how freedom opens a realm of possibilities undreamed of before!

Why I recommend it: I love these AU's that show us Severus Snape in another place after the war, freed of all the trappings of his misspent youth. And shaving, a wonderful thing to watch your man do as he makes himself good for you...that's a loving act if there ever was one.

My summary: Survival is ingrained in all of us. In Severus Snape, it's the most powerful force driving him at war's end. His new life, without masters or responsibilities, is wonderful...and then Remus Lupin and his awful mustache show up on his doorstep.
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