The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 16th, 2010

February 16th, 2010

Romantic Fic Recs (2): Snupin Santa [NC17] & anglo_don_juan [PG]

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Romance is in the letters...and these two fics (Mos Maiorum by Snupin Santa [NC17] and Unexpected Love by anglo_don_juan [PG]) are great examples of epistolary romances.

Why I recommend them: Romance and documents, often they should never meet. But, in the instance of these two stories, they illuminate, elucidate, and make great the depth of emotions felt by the man writing those letters. Through them, we are introduced to both a man of honor and a man of confusion. Both characteristics make his lover curious. Lucky for us they occur in two different stories.

My summary: No matter the time or the place, love--strong and true--finds a way to bring two men together. With coded messages or curious missives, they will find each other at the end of the long journey. And doesn't that make them both a fine romance?

Please note the Snupin Santa story is linked to the search page it was found upon and not the actual story. Thank you.
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