The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 14th, 2010

February 14th, 2010

Romantic Fic Recs (2): gmweasley [M/R] & odogoddess [NC17]

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As I said before, I am a sucker for humor in my romance. Love isn't all tears and drama, and the best ones that I've seen in my life have been laced with mirth and shared laughter. So, that brings me to gmweasley's (at skyhawke-dot-com) Trust in Fanfiction [Mature], 2009-01-17 and [info]psyfic's Vegas Is For Wizards [NC17], 26 December 2006...who made me giggle and grin at love searched for and love unexpected.

gmweasley at skyhawke-dot-com (a.k.a. [info]gm_weasley on IJ) Why I recommend 'Trust in Fanfiction', 2009-01-17... )

[info]psyfic Why I recommend 'Vegas is for Wizards', 26 December 2006... )

What ties these two fics together: Circumstances change when one is given the opportunity, or steals it right from under everyone's noses!

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