The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 5th, 2010

February 5th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: A Kind of Redemption by MusIgneus [PG-13]

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[info]musigneus wrote a wonderful story driven by Sirius, after his death, for [info]michaelchance and posted it at The Archive at the End of the Universe, 06/08/2007.

Why I recommend it: Giving love a helping hand, even if it's inadvertent, can be a redeeming grace. Here, Sirius--who gets so much ire--gets a lesson in interference and completion. The pace of growing emotions is like the mixing of ingredients within a stew: a dash of salt, a pinch of pepper, a smidgen of paprika, time, and stirring, all done well and with attention to details that are necessary.

My summary: Drawn back to the land of the living, Sirius Black finds out his youthful follies are still playing out. It's up to him to lay them to rest, and help Remus...and Snape.

WIP: The Prisoner (1/?)

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Title: The Prisoner (1/?)
Pairing and characters: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Rating: Mature
Warnings: none (for this chapter)
Word count: ~ 2,100
Summary: The war is over and Remus Lupin returns to a strange new world. At Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall struggles with the threat of the loss of magic while the castle is in a severe state of disrepair. Remus is traumatized after his stay at a prison camp for werewolves and haunted by dreams of a mysterious woman. Severus Snape is hiding in the dungeons.
Author's Notes: Much gratitude to my wonderful beta, [info]kelly_chambliss. All remaining mistakes are my own.

The Prisoner (1/?) )

Icons (Snupin, Snape)

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So, having not long posted this set of pictures, someone requested icons. And I'm a nice person, so here you go. (Includes Snupin!Holmes)

( Our favourite boys reduced to 100x100s )
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