The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 6th, 2010

February 6th, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: A Lean and Hungry Look by Undun [NWS]

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While searching for something else, I found this gorgeous, evocative, and passionate piece by Undun a.k.a. [info]undunoops, at Moonshadow, 2 October 2005. {Please enter the archive, search for artist Undun and find it in the gallery as a link.}

Rating: NWS
Warning: Nudity

Why I recommend it: The lines of their bodies are fluid, flowing over and under each other with grace. This is what I privately call "a stolen moment" piece--the two lovers at ease in their own world. The musculature is only hinted at with the soft chalk, but I feel as if waiting a moment will earn me a glimpse of movement.

What I saw: At ease with each other and their bodies, Remus and Severus are caught in a languid moment, such as true lovers share.

Art: for The Cat's Paw

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So, it's been a while... I'm back to post a pic I drew for, The Cat's Paw (RL/SS, NC-17), by McKay, my Snusa gift. <3

I really loved the story and drew it soon after reading it, didn't post it before 'cause I'm just that slow. I hope you all trust me when I say the fic is inspiring - and worth a read and/or reread! sorry I'm unable to write a decent rec!:B

pawing (G, no spoilers) )

Flesh and Bones, by Arionrhod and McKay

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Title: Flesh and Bones, by Arionrhod and McKay

Rated: PG13

Summary: Non-magical AU. FBI agent Remus Lupin had no idea what he was getting into when he consulted with expert forensic anthropologist, Severus Snape, to help solve a murder. Snape is invaluable in helping with the case, but Lupin wants to give him a few clues about love as well.

Content: violence and gore in the form of descriptions of dead bodies. Nothing worse than you'd see in any police procedural or medical drama.

Notes: For Rosy, who knows why. :D

Word Count: ~42,000
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